Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Various activities to strengthen student entrepreneurship are intensively carried out at Surabaya State University. Most recently, the university-level Student Executive Board or BEM-U held an Entrepreneurship Seminar and Training at the Auditorium, Floor 11, Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya, on Sunday, October 15 2023.
The activity entitled 'Unleash Your Creativity Innovating', in collaboration with the Surabaya City Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), consists of a series of activities ranging from training, practice and seminars which will take place from Friday, October 13 2023.
As a speaker, attend directly M. Ali Affandi Mattalitti LNM, Chairman of the Surabaya Kadin, and Fitra Didik Purnama, administrator of the East Java Kadin. Also present, Agus Budi Purnomo S.E., M.Sc., from the Department of Industry and Trade representing the Governor of East Java.
Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., Director of Student and Alumni Affairs, said that this activity is important for students to facilitate students who have interest and talent in the field of entrepreneurship.
“Students must have a strong business mindset. The direction will be to open up employment opportunities. The benefits are the opportunities that exist. "We are ready to support it, because this is in accordance with the vision and mission of Indonesia Emas 2045," he said.
The Chair of BEM, Muhammad Asrorun Ni'am, said that this activity was formed to accommodate and support students' interests and talents in the field of entrepreneurship. . Also, to foster students' entrepreneurial spirit.
"This activity is one of the breakthroughs carried out by BEM UNESA to re-optimize entrepreneurial activities, because many parts of entrepreneurship are not running optimally because the development has not been optimal," he explained.
The output of this activity opens up UNESA's collaboration with the East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This activity will also be followed up by establishing LSO UKM SEL (Student Internship Laboratory) as a student laboratory which is directly supervised by Kadin so that it can attract many companies.
Startup Failure Factors
< p>In the material session, Ali Affandi conveyed six reasons for business failure which has been the cause of the decline of startups in Indonesia over the last few years. First, ‘not satisfying a need'. This relates to products that do not meet market needs.Secondly, 'bad business plan' which refers to ineffective planning, does not take into account various important indicators such as details of goals, strategies, projections finance, market analysis and other aspects comprehensively.
Third, “lack of financing'. This relates to a situation where an agency does not have sufficient funding needed to operate the plan, thereby hampering the growth, development and continuity of a business.
Fourth, 'bad location' is a factor cause of business failure. Because, the physical and non-physical location of a business really supports the development and success of the business.
Fifth, inflexibility which makes it difficult for a business to adapt and compete in a dynamic market. Sixth, 'rapid expansion' where a business experiences significant growth as indicated by increased customer demand, successful launches of new products or services, and external investment.
“Expansion is good, but you have to be wise in making calculations, opportunities and the challenges. "Otherwise, it could be a problem," he said.
Based on the six factors of startup failure, he motivated the seminar participants regarding several things that a prospective businessman needs to have to become a successful entrepreneur. Among them, are self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. []
Reporter: Tarisa Adistia/Diana/Dina/Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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