Various stage performances in colorful traditional clothes commemorate Heroes' Day at SD Labschool UNESA 1 Surabaya.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—SD Labschool Unesa 1 Surabaya is again holding an annual event that combines extracurricular activities and celebration of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5).
Activities to commemorate Heroes' Day, 10 November 2024, took place at the SD Labschool Unesa 1 Surabaya Field on Saturday, 9 November 2024. Various parties were involved, including parents, the surrounding community and school partners.
The principal of SD Labschool Unesa 1 Surabaya, Sri Lestari, said that this event was a routine agenda that was in accordance with the school's academic calendar. This agenda aims to foster students' spirit of nationalism while providing a platform for them to develop their talents and interests in extracurricular areas.
"However, since two years ago, this activity has been synergized with the P5 celebration which is integrated into the independent curriculum," he said.
Schools that have used the independent curriculum for the last three years have started a series activities since the previous three weeks; there were trial classes, competitions between kindergartens, and culminated on Saturday, November 9 2024.

This annual activity combines extracurricular activities and the celebration of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project ( P5).
"This trial class and competition between kindergartens aims to improve relations between the community and Labschool, especially related to PPDB (New Student Admission)," he explained.
Apart from that, this activity was also an open house event for parents to get to know the school environment and programs more closely.
The activity was enlivened by various bazaar tenants, sponsors from parent donors, and also P5 celebrations , there are extracurricular performances like in previous years and the presence of participating school partners to introduce activities at school
To attract wider attention, continued Sri Lestari, this event was also enlivened with a lottery with prizes for the large family of SD Labschool UNESA 1.
Related to P5 activities, it is intended as part of students' co-curricular activities. Since the previous month, students have been practicing intensively with teachers and parent support to perform a performance with the theme "Unity and Diversity" or "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika". .”
Apart from that, there were extracurricular performances as well as coloring and penalty kick competitions which were participated in by kindergartens around the UNESA Labschool. The school also opened the first wave of PPDB and an open house for parents who wanted to know more about UNESA Labschool 1 .
"The main hope, of course, is that all of these activities can provide positive input, so that PPDB SD Labschool Unesa can increase compared to previous years," he concluded.[]
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Reporter: Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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