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Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The educational exhibition was one of a series that colored the second day of the Indonesian National Education Convention (Konaspi) >
Most of the works in the exhibition, which was attended by thousands of LPTK students and delegates, were the result of collaborative projects from a team of lecturers and students. Some of them have won awards from PKM or other scientific work events.
One of the innovations on display is the Smart Parking Monitoring System (SPARKA) from Semarang State University (Unnes). This innovation is a technology for monitoring parking slot availability in real-time via CCTV cameras installed in the parking area.
Muh. Fathurrahman, a student who is part of the innovation team, said that SPARKA was created to answer the needs of car users who often take a long time to find a parking space on campus.

Smart Parking Monitoring System (SPARKA) innovation from Semarang State University (Unnes).
"Users just need to enter the application and choose an available parking space and make payment. When it is locked, there will be an indicator in the parking lot indicating that it has been booked, so it will not be occupied by anyone else," he said.
Other innovations also came from the Jakarta State University (UNJ). BrakeShoeLis Brake Pad Innovation in the form of motorbike and electric motorbike brake pads made from a mixture of coconut fiber, wood powder and shellfish powder.
The use of powder from this waste is considered capable of reducing production costs compared to the use of metal materials used commercially. It is planned that this product will be marketed because of its durability which competes with commercial canvas after going through several trials.
Not only technology, in this exhibition there are food innovations, one of which is Yanasa prebiotic syrup which comes from the MIPA Faculty booth or FMIPA UNESA. This syrup product made from yakon rhizome and pineapple contains insulin which is beneficial for the body.

Yanasa prebiotic drink product, created by FMIPA UNESA.
Including increases antioxidant activity, reduces levels of glucose, blood triglycerides and cholesterol. Apart from that, it also increases the body's immunity and suppresses the growth of salmonella pathogenic bacteria.
Apart from that, there were various clothing creations and other works of art such as punch needles carried by the Unesa Labschool booth. Here visitors can try out the direct experience of making punch needles.
Meanwhile, Yasmin Zalivia and Nur Azizah, students who attended this exhibition, said that overall the Konaspi exhibition broadened their knowledge to be more active in creating innovative works. .
"It's really nice to see the exhibition here, but unfortunately there are several innovations that we haven't been able to explore further because those manning the booth don't understand the innovative products on display," said Yasmin, a UNESA Educational Technology student.[ ]
Reporters: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS), Tarisa Adistia (FBS), Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP), Zakaria Soekarno Putra (Fisipol), Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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