Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) signed a memorandum of understanding or memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) on the sidelines of the Public Lecture with the Chairman of PSSI, Dr. (H.C) H. Erick Thohir, B.A., M.B.A., at Graha UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Friday, September 8 2023.
The MoU which also involves dozens of LPTKs and the Indonesian Sports Deans Forum is a form of commitment PSSI's collaboration with universities, one of which is UNESA, is to improve the quality and increase the number of coaches and referees.
Erich Thohir said that this step was taken to address the shortage of coaches and referees in Indonesia. When compared, Japan alone, whose population is below Indonesia, has referees and coaches totaling 80 thousand people. For the trainer alone, it can be 20 thousand more.
"How many are we? Even though our population is larger. This means there are things we have to improve. It's impossible for PSSI alone. That's why we encourage coaching certification, refereeing and we do everything together with universities," he explained.
Apart from that, this collaboration is also in the context of building sports sciences which is expected to improve the physical quality of Indonesian athletes. This will be encouraged by universities, including UNESA, which is known for sports as its priority.
Finally, which is no less important, said the man who is also the Minister of BUMN that President Joko Widodo has pushed for improved regulations for the Minister of Home Affairs where funding from the provinces can be used to support sports, in this context it can support League 3.
"Not a club, League 3. This means that universities like UNESA have League 3 clubs. If all campuses in Indonesia play in League 3. This means that the regeneration of national team football will be even easier, because students play there," he explained.
With notes, he continued, the game should not be arranged, there should be no brawls. All of this must be realized together to improve Indonesian football from the ground up.

Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that the cooperation program was immediately started. Students have been prepared and trained for years and those who graduate have been equipped with sports knowledge.
Students who are willing and competent in the field of refereeing are encouraged to enter the world of refereeing. Likewise those who want to become coaches are encouraged to become coaches and those who are directed towards management are also encouraged to do so. "We have prepared everything through the Sports and Health Faculty (FIKK)," he said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FIKK UNESA Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd., M.Kes., said that his party welcomed the collaboration with PSSI. Moreover, the synergy does not only extend to the campus, but also to the school level.
"This synergy is a good projection for the future of our sports world. This also forms a better sports ecosystem. We at the sports faculty are very supportive. Moreover, we also have school-aged SLOMPN athletes who are being coached. From below, we have prepared it. This is a good step for a more advanced and accomplished sport," he concluded.
In addition, the public lecture was coupled with the inauguration of several UNESA sports facilities. PSSI deputy Zainudin Amali and PSSI exco staff were also present. Also present were all LPTK rectors, KONI officials, LPTK Chancellors Forum administrators, Indonesian Sports Deans Forum staff, UNESA leaders and deans and around 3 thousand more UNESA students. [*]
Reporter: Riska Umami/Fatimah Najmus Shofa/Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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