Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA--Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Center for Gender and Child Studies (PSGA) continues to strive for women to have the same role and space in various aspects .
This matter was discussed in the Public Discussion; Gender, Journalism and Digital Space in a hybrid manner at the Auditorium, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) on Tuesday, November 28 2023.
As the speaker, editor in chief of digitalmama.id, Catur Ratna Wulandari said, In the journalist profession, women are still considered weak, have limited space in their careers, and are often seen as objects that are only seen as icing on the cake in the media industry.
“Often considered not tough, unable to complete responsibilities. Especially if you are at the age you want to get married, you tend to think your job is enough to be in the kitchen looking after the children and cooking. "In fact, the role between mother and profession should not be used as a barrier for women," he said.
In work, he continued, the majority of positions are filled by men. This shows that patriarchal culture is still inherent in various professions. According to him, in mainstream media, women will only be discussed when there are warnings. Even worse, it will be discussed if women are victims of sexual harassment.
The media industry should have a healthy system. Can provide equal space, equal opportunities, prioritize empathy. “Women also need support, because the jargon behind great men is that there is a role for women, right? "Women have that," he said.
He gave an example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy changed drastically. With these conditions, women can learn new things to adapt, for example selling in the marketplace or social media.
He emphasized to hundreds of students to be able to have a high level of awareness that is not limited to men. only or only women, but have a sensitivity to the same space.
Head of PSGA UNESA Dr. Sjafiatul Mardliyah, S.Sos., M.A., added that this activity is UNESA's commitment to provide understanding to students so that they can change the nation by prioritizing equality.
On the same occasion, PSGA Secretary, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi , S.Sos., M.Med.Kom, added that women have the same rights to actively participate in becoming anything.
According to him, women cannot be narrowed down in roles and status. Because both are things men can do too.[]
Reporter: Riska Umami
Editor: @ zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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