Students learn speech skills directly with UNESA experts SURABAYA—Indonesian Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNESA again shows its commitment to development education by organizing a Student Creativity Program (PKM) with the theme "Speech Text Writing Assistance and Speech Practice" at the Amanatul Ummah International Standard Madrasah (MBI), Pacet, Mojokerto.
Language skills, especially writing and speaking, are important competencies that must be possessed by the younger generation. Therefore, the program which will be implemented on Saturday, June 29 2024 is designed to improve students' speech skills which have so far been considered less than optimal.
From the results of observations made by the PKM team, it was found that MBI Amanatul students Ummah is less interested in writing speech texts and giving speeches due to the lack of reference material sources, lack of understanding of the systematics of speech texts, as well as problems in mastering vocabulary and linguistic rules.
To overcome these problems, UNESA invited a number of experts in the field of creating learning media , like Prof. Setya Yuwana, Mulyono, Agusniar Dian Savitri, and Arie Yuanita. They provide in-depth material about speech text writing strategies and effective speech techniques.
UNESA team of Indonesian Literature experts with students after training
This program is not only limited to providing material, but also includes direct practice which will be reviewed by experts. Students will be guided through various innovative learning methods, such as lectures with animated slide shows, question and answer sessions, as well as writing and speech practice.
Apart from that, this program also targets clear outcomes, namely publication of PKM activities in mass media and scientific journals, as well as documentary videos that will be uploaded on YouTube. In this way, the positive impact of this activity can be known by the wider community and provide inspiration for other educational institutions.
With this PKM activity, UNESA hopes to help MBI Amanatul Ummah students develop their oratory skills, so that they can appear more confident and able to convey their ideas well on various occasions. This activity is also clear evidence of UNESA's commitment to supporting the development of quality and sustainable education.[]
Reporter: Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor : @zam*
Photo: Indonesian Literature Study Program PKM Team
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