unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - S-1 Prodi Communication Science (IKOM), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) , SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) Dissects the book 'Open Government 'The work of the Deputy Chairperson of the Republic of Indonesia Central Information Commission (KIP) in the Auditorium of Building I6, Fisipol, Kampus 1 Ketintang, Surabaya , Friday, February 14, 2025.
Book review attended by students Communication Batch 2023, as part of a guest lecture in the Public Relations Management course It was discussed directly Arya Sandhiyudha, Deputy Chair of the KIP, who is the author of the book. said, this discussion is a valuable opportunity for students to understand the concept of government open directly from the experts.
The book is very important, because it discusses various aspects, including state secrets, organic intellectuals, the environment, to sustainable development goals (SDGs). "So communication science students need to understand these issues critically, especially in the context of the current political world," he said.
"Hopefully this discussion and book review can provide broader insights for students related to information disclosure in government," he said.
In addition to the book review session, this event is also a momentum It is important with the signing of the cooperation agreement between the Communication Study Program of Faculty of Social Sciences Unesa and KIP RI. "This cooperation is expected to strengthen the synergy in an effort to increase the literacy of information disclosure in the academic environment," he said.
Book Review 'Open Government' discussed Eko Setiawan, Pranata Public Relations of Young Experts from the East Java Provincial Communication and Information Agency, and moderated by IKOM Lecturers and Director of Public Relations and Public Information Unesa, Vinda Maya Setianingrum.
In his presentation, Arya Sandhiyudha stressed that open government is an instrument Most effective in realizing a democratic state.
Good governance must be based on three main principles, namely transparency, accountability, and participation.
These principles are in line with Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Information Openness Public.
Panelis, Eko Setiawan explained that the disclosure of public information and open governance is related to information channels such as social media whose users Increasing.
"Community involvement in government can be improved through the dissemination of more effective and transparent information, one of which is through channels that can and are easily accessible to the public," he said. [*]
Reporter: Zerllina Aurellia El Sahara (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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