Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—In order to increase knowledge and deepen students' abilities in aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Communication Science Study Program (Prodi Ikom), Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) UNESA held a Guest Lecture with PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk at the Auditorium of the i8 FISH Building, Ketintang Campus, on Wednesday, October 25 2023.
Dr. Wiwik Sri Utami, M.P., Deputy Dean 1 of FISH, in his speech said, this guest lecture is a very good opportunity for students to absorb knowledge from sources who are professional and have a lot of experience in their fields. "Guest lectures are very rare because students get knowledge directly from a professional," he said.
Tom Malik as General Manager of Corporate Communication of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk who was the resource person explained that CSR is a concept of voluntary self-management The company does this by combining social and environmental concerns, and also how the company interacts with stakeholders. "Company activities definitely have environmental and social impacts," he said.
In creating a CSR program, he continued, it is necessary to pay attention to various aspects so that the program created can benefit the community, especially those near the company's operational areas. Aspects that need to be considered include environmental, social, ethical and economic norms.
For this reason, appropriate research and observations need to be carried out so that companies can be responsible for the environmental impacts they create. It is important to study these aspects by looking at risks and how the company can manage and improve them. "The CSR program is carried out in accordance with community needs," he stressed.

Tom Malik provides tips for determining what things need to be researched regarding CSR. Research can be carried out independently by companies directly to the community, or through local governments who have data and are more familiar with the habits of their people.
Also, they can collaborate with non-governmental organizations or NGOs to help in finding out what society needs. “You must have as complete data as possible before the program is planned.” He said.
He hopes that students, especially from the Science and Communication study program, when they become CSR practitioners, can implement the knowledge they have learned while studying. This implementation can be done by communicating the positive and strategic things that are being done to the public so that the image of the company can be maintained. "So that people don't judge our company from wrong information," he said. []
Reporter: Farhan Bachtiar
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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