That principle is what motivates Agus to study more. He admitted that this good result was not because he was the smartest student in the State Administration study program or had special tricks in learning. The achievement is more due to the tenacity of listening to each lesson. Agus emphasized that he always paid attention and noted important things that were expressed by lecturers well and worked hard in reaching the target of increasing IP in each semester. "Thanks to that hard work my IP has increased every semester " explained the young man from Gresik. When he first heard this news the Alumnus of SMA Negeri 1 Sidayu Gresik was pleased and did not expect to get this achievement. "Thank you I pray to Allah SWT." the point is always pray to Allah SWT and always study diligently and actively. And do not forget to ask for support from both our parents " he said. The young man who was born on August 10 1993 added that he presented this success to his parents. For Agus the figure of a parent is extremely meaningful because he has a stake in his educational career. " My parents are my education heroes " he recalled. The son of the father named Muchtar completed his final task entitled "Implementing the Honorary Board of the Sidoarjo Regency Regional Representative Council". The discussion was related to how the implementation of the honorary body of the board that made regulations related to the code of ethics. (Danang / KK / PR)
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