Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Continued studies to the S-2 and S-3 levels are part of today's demands and needs. For those who want to continue their education to a master's or doctoral level, they can make Postgraduate UNESA a place to anchor. Regarding study programs, superior programs to admissions were delivered by the Postgraduate staff in the Virtual New Student Admission Selection Socialization on Wednesday, June 22, 2022.
The socialization was attended by the Director of Postgraduate Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Sc., Deputy Director for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Nining Widyah Kusnanik, S.Pd., M.Appl.Sc., and Deputy Director of General Affairs Prof. Dr. Suparji, M.Pd., as well as prospective registrants from various regions.
Prof. Nining Widyah Kusnanik explained that the Postgraduate UNESA has 31 study programs; 8 doctoral programs (S-3) and 23 master programs (S-2). Some of these study programs have been accredited A and Superior, the rest are accredited B. Postgraduate has several new study programs, namely the S-3 Basic Education study program and at the S-2 level there are 5 study programs which only opened last year.
“The postgraduate is in the process of applying for international accreditation, ASIIN. The study programs that submit are S-2 and S-3 Mathematics Education and S-2 and S-3 Science Education study programs," he explained. In addition, several study programs that have received excellent accreditation include the Doctoral Program in Educational Technology.
He continued, the study period and postgraduate requirements for UNESA were not much different from other campuses. The study period for Masters is a maximum of 4 years or 8 semesters with a minimum of 36 credits taken, completing an accredited national/international thesis and publication. “In addition, he also has an English proficiency score or TEP of 450 for non-English study programs and a score of 550 for English study programs.
Meanwhile for S-3 the maximum study period is 7 years or 14 semesters with a minimum study load of 42 credits. In addition, completes dissertations and publications in reputable international journals indexed by Scopus. The TEP score for non-English study programs is at least 470 and for English students a minimum of 570. "Many of our students finish their lectures faster than their study period," he explained.
The UNESA Postgraduate lecture system is 60% online and 40% offline. For old students 40% online and 60% offline. The UTS and UAS systems that are taken by students are not always written exams, but are more about performance assessments or performance assessments.
“We have special treatment so that students graduate on time. Starting from the class of 2019 in semester 2, students are free to appoint supervisors 1 or 2. In the final 3rd semester for the Masters level, they can take a proposal exam. If there is still no evaluation, it will be discussed and discussed with the head of the study program and his supervisor, "said the governor who was born in Lumajang.
The schedule for accepting new UNESA Postgraduate students is for batch 2 to open May 14 to July 30, 2022. Batch 3 is open from July 12 to August 16, 2022. “For friends who want to study but are busy working, there is no need to worry. At UNESA Postgraduate there are regular lecture programs and there is a special lecture system for workers (collaboration programs), weekend classes," he said.
Some of the UNESA Postgraduate scholarship programs include LPDP (Education Fund Management Agency); BNI; BPPDN (Domestic Postgraduate Education Scholarship); UNESA Fresh Graduate Scholarship; KNB (Developing Country Cooperation); ISS (International Students Scholarship); BPI (Indonesian Education Scholarship) and others. [UNESA PR]
Author: Fionna Ayu Shabrina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Documentation
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