Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Unesa returned 34 titles of Student Creativity Program (PKM) which will be funded later. The 34 PKM titles consisted of 4 PKMK 5 PKMM 12 PKMPE 1 PKMPSH 2 PKMC and 10 PKMT. To provide support to the team that passed Unesa held a PKM Provision of 5 Funded Fields in 2019 and the ToM of PKM Supervisors with the theme "Ikhtiyar Unesa Won the 2019 Gold & rdquo ; (2/4).
The event was held The Auditorium of the 11th floor of the Rectorate Building was not only attended by students but also involved PKM supervisors who would later accompany students in pursuing the title of PKM which had successfully passed and was funded. There is some material given in the briefing both to students and to PKM supervisors. The first material is related to " Preparation Towards PIMNAS What and How? & Quot; delivered by Dr. Oksiana Jatiningsih M.Sc. 2nd material related to " Compiling Logbook " delivered by Ahmad Ajib Ridlwan S.Pd. M.SEI. and ToT material related to "PKM Perception Equality" delivered by Dr. Made Pramono and the material "Success Becomes a PKM Supervising Lecturer " delivered by Prof. Dr. Tukiran M.Sc.
Later besides being guided by a supervisor the team who passed the PKM will also be accompanied by a reasoning team. This year there are 14 reasoning teams under the leadership of Dr. Sifak Indana M.Pd. which consisted of Unesa Faculty of lecturers. The reasoning team is prepared to help students so in addition to coordinating with their supervisors students can also coordinate with the reasoning team. The reasoning team here is expected to make the teams that qualify for PKM advance to the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) so that it can indirectly raise the quality of Unesa in the national eye with a target of entering the top 10. That was also mentioned by the Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Agus Hariyanto M.Kes. In addition Prima Vidya Asteria S.Pd. M.Pd. also revealed "We from the reasoning lecturer team will provide loopholes so that many of your proposals are accepted at PIMNAS. & Rdquo; (ay)
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