Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA— The leadership of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) together with the university leadership explored and accommodated aspirations around campus through Ngopi Nyeni aka Chatting Aspirations Nyenengke Ati in the Auditorium, 4th Floor, T14 FBS Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Tuesday, 31 October 2023.
< p>This event was attended by the deans, directors, heads of UNESA environmental institutions, as well as the leadership, study program coordinators, lecturers and students of FBS. This agenda discusses the developments and innovations made by FBS in preparing itself in this digital era.Several things discussed included facilities, number of new students, budget, staff and policies in dealing with student affairs dynamics. The Dean of FBS, Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D, explained that regarding the number of new students, there are several things that need to be prepared, such as improving the quality of human resources, academic services, and facilities and infrastructure.
In general, he continued, Preparations for lectures at FBS went smoothly, assisted by student organizations to communicate with the academic community. Ormawa helped voice things that needed to be improved, such as additional parking and guards, gradual improvements to facilities with the main focus on classrooms, and plans to build the Sawunggaling Performance Hall in 2024.
On the other hand, the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., appreciated the policies that had been implemented by the FBS leadership. Responding to aspirations regarding the number of educational staff and lecturers at FBS, Cak Hasan said that there would be additional and improved welfare for staff and lecturers.
"Later, non-permanent lecturers will have additional accident and pension guarantees. CPNS FBS lecturers will "plus 23 people, P3K plus 4 people. It is hoped that this can help optimize at FBS. Apart from that, let's open new S-2 and S-3 study programs," he said.
This man who likes wearing different colored shoes added , UNESA continues to improve to improve the quality of academic and educational services by focusing on students. Apart from that, it is also related to the welfare of lecturers, staff and alumni by providing expert certification to arts activists, which is the identity of FBS.
"Apart from that, it also brings in a special institution for credible English language tests, not a pubba, and recognized internationally. "Apart from that, it is also necessary to increase promotion regarding the profile of fast-graduation study programs, namely music and fine arts study programs, so that they become better known to the public," he said. []
Reporter: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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