Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The 2023 Surabaya State University (UNESA) Boys and Girls Grand Final took place at the LPSP Building, 9th floor on Friday, November 24 2023. A total of eight pairs or 16 of the best boys and girls from each faculty competed against each other. demonstrated his skills in front of the jury.
In his speech, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A. as the supervisor of UNESA Boys and Girls, said that the selection of boys and girls was carried out to develop the potential, talents and achievements of the student finalists.
"This selection is not only an award, but also a symbol of personal achievement in giving "The contribution and role of students is to improve Unesa's image," he said.
The 2023 Unesa Men's and Women's Grand Final is a little different from previous years, because there is one more male and female pair from the Vocational Faculty. The male and female finalists went through several selection processes and ultimately arrived at the top five.
Participants who passed this stage delivered their best speeches for 60 seconds, then were selected into the three best. They then competed by answering questions from the jury to win first, second and third place.
UNESA Director of Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, M.Pd, also explained that this grand final was also related to literacy capacity. The perspective of each participant in literacy capacity has a tremendous influence on decision making so that it can influence student behavior as UNESA representatives.
This selection is also carried out in order to develop students themselves in academic and non-academic fields, as well as in realizing and creating UNESA according to its tagline, it is one step forward.
"In the questions asked by the jury there were several questions that required critical thinking, such as future contributions as campus ambassadors, PTN-BH, "disability-friendly campus up to SDGs," he said.
The judging for this activity was carried out directly by Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Si., Lina Purwaning Hartanti, S.Pd., M.EIL., and Michael Louis Fernando Soesanto who are the 3rd Representatives of Raka East Java 2022.
The Men's winner -Princess UNESA 2023 was won by Matthew Moham Jhass from FIP and Putri Nurmahirah Hafsari also from FIP. In second place is Son Rizal Ihza Mahendra from FMIPA and Princess Hilda Aldena Ryanita from FBS. Then, Ahmad Rizal Rifa'i from FEB and Putri Shavira Ananta Nur Indah from FMIPA came out as third winners.
This activity was attended by Cak Ning Surabaya, and representatives of ambassadors from various campuses in East Java; Airlangga University, UPN Veteran East Java, Trunojoyo Madura University, NU University Surabaya, Soetomo University, and Surabaya State Islamic University (UINSA). []
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far/Fadina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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