The Dean of FIP as chairman of the board of examiners submitted the doctoral graduation file in educational technology to promovenda.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Ixsora Gupita Cinantya looked happy after successfully defending her dissertation in the Open Examination for Doctoral Promotion, Educational Technology Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Educational Sciences (FIP) in the FIP Meeting Room, Surabaya State University (UNESA) Lidah Wetan Campus II on Friday, June 14 2024.
His struggle and hard work going back and forth from Jakarta to Surabaya finally paid off with a satisfactory score in his exam, namely 3.99 (GPA). Yes, promovenda, Ixsora Gupita Cinantya is a lecturer in Visual Communication Design (DKV), Esa Unggul University, Jakarta.
Since becoming a doctoral student in the UNESA Educational Technology PhD study program in 2022, he has had to divide his time into the week, namely teaching duties in Jakarta and studying in Surabaya.
"The distance is quite good, because I have to go back and forth. I think because of the pandemic, lectures can be online, but there are face-to-face meetings which means I have to divide my time between Surabaya," he said.
The challenge of distance does not make Ixsora afraid to continue studying. The pile of assignments on campus did not dampen his enthusiasm for achieving the doctorate degree he dreamed of.
He studied his studies wholeheartedly, carried out his assignments persistently, until finally he was able to complete his doctoral studies in just 4 semesters (two years) less than 2 months.
Ixsora officially holds the 117th doctoral degree from the UNESA Educational Technology Doctoral Study Program. After the exam, he revealed his tips for passing his doctorate in 2 years, namely having a dissertation research plan from the start of his studies. The research plan was finalized in the second semester.
Promovenda together with promoters (mentors) and internal and external board of examiners.
"Semester "Two of them, there is already a division of supervisors and there is an R&D (Research and Development) course, so there I finalize the research plan with the supervisor, including finalizing the methodology through lectures," he explained.
After being matured in the second semester, the plan that had become the research design moved to the feasibility and proposal hearing. So, in the third semester you can collect data for both dissertations and journal publications. Then in the fourth semester you can register for seminar results and promotions.
"This process is difficult, I do everything in between teaching time. Lack of sleep is normal. The point is, be consistent in working, and don't give up. The most important thing is intense communication with your supervisor," Ixsora said.
In the open examination for her doctoral promotion, promovenda Ixsora Gupita Cinantya presented her dissertation entitled "Development of a Social Entrepreneurship Problem Learning Model to Increase Independence, Creativity and Personal Social Responsibility in the DKV Packaging Course."
The dissertation was completed under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh, M.Pd, and Dr. Andi Mariono. M.Pd. Meanwhile, as the examiner for the doctoral promotion exam, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si., Dr. Utari Dewi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Rusijono, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd.
Meanwhile, the external examiner is Prof. Dr. Punaji Setyosari, M.Ed. from the State University of Malang (UM). Despite several reinforcements from the examining board, the results of the research produced a new model, namely problem social entrepreneurship.
This model is the result of a 'methodological marriage' between the problem based learning (PBL) learning model and the social entrepreneurship approach.
The combination of the two models produces one step model with the characteristics of a social entrepreneurship approach. "This model can increase independence, creativity and personal social responsibility to contribute knowledge and thoughts to society," he said.[]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team Documentation
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