Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Strengthening the field of cooperation and public relations is being intensively carried out by the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). Most recently, the 'House of Champions' campus held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with three resource persons from the Ministry of Education and Culture at the Rectorate, on Thursday (12/10/2023).
They are Yayat Hendayana, S.S., M.Si ., Substance Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education and Culture; Doddy Zulkifli Indra Atmaja, S.I.Kom., M.Si., Young Expert Public Relations Officer at the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology; and Firman Hidayat, S.S., M.Sc., Sub-coordinator of Cooperation of the Directorate General of Higher Education.
This agenda is part of UNESA PTN-BH's commitment to continue to improve the quality of governance in the cooperation and public relations department. Yayat Hendayana in his presentation appreciated the performance shown by UNESA so far.
He encouraged the campus with the tagline 'One Step Ahead' to continue to improve its performance both in quality and quantity. The cooperation that PTN-BH hopes for is in the context of strengthening the implementation of MBKM and the research-innovation ecosystem.
"Collaboration can be with international partners, collaboration with industry, and collaboration with government or non-governmental organizations or NGOs "Not just an MoU or MoA, but there are outputs or results, be it synergy or innovation projects," he said.
He added, this collaboration can be implemented in the academic aspect in the form of lecturer and student exchanges, research and publications, as well as other student internships. In this way, there are opportunities for external learning networks for students and lecturers' research and publications.
"From the cooperation aspect, UNESA already has almost 5 thousand documents, domestic and foreign. This must be increased, if necessary, collaborating with many partners industry, government and educational institutions in America or Europe in general," said Yayat.
Regarding public relations, Doddy Zulkifli Indra Atmaja, provided reinforcement related to communication strategies both internal and external, media relations and media handling, publications and evaluation.
According to him, public relations is the face of an institution that cannot be separated from websites, press releases, magazines, social media, to the management of integrated service units. "UNESA's excellence, for example in MBKM, needs to be promoted on various communication platforms," he said.
Present on this occasion, Prof. Slamet Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D., Director of Technology, Information, Communication and Cooperation, UNESA. He said that becoming a PTNBH was both a challenge and an opportunity for UNESA to continue to develop.
This change in status, he continued, must be accompanied by a change in the mindset of all human resources within it. From mindset then down to performance which is expected to continue to improve and have an impact both on institutions and society.
"This is our commitment to improve the quality of education, research and human resource development to continue to improve ourselves. For us it is not "There are perfect institutions, there are institutions that continue to improve and develop," he said.
This activity was also attended directly by the Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., and members of the cooperation and public relations department. []
Reporter: Muhammad Dian Purnama/Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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