The inauguration and inauguration procession of the IKA FH UNESA management was witnessed by a number of regional officials, leaders, students and the UNESA community.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The Faculty of Law, Surabaya State University (FH UNESA) held a National Dialogue as well as the Inauguration and Inauguration of the Management of the Faculty of Law Alumni Family Association (IKA FH) at the FH Auditorium, Campus 1 Ketintang, on Saturday, 26 October 2024.
The agenda, which was an important historical milestone in the development of FH UNESA, was attended by officials such as the Head of the East Java Province Law Bureau, Lilik Pudjiastuti; Secretary of the East Java Provincial DPRD, Mohammad Ali Kuncoro; and Mayor of Surabaya (2020-2024), Eri Cahyadi.
The Dean of FH UNESA, Arinto Nugroho, said that this agenda was an important piece of history in the history of legal development at UNESA. First established on March 13 2009, the Bachelor of Law Sciences began producing graduates since 2013.

UNESA leaders, FH deans, lecturers and IKA FH UNESA administrators are committed to ensuring that the Faculty of Law continues to contribute in the progress of society, nation and state.
“The first graduates until now is part of the FH extended family whose relationships need to be maintained. "In fact, it can be a forum for strengthening contributions to advancing the Indonesian region and nation through the legal sector," he said.
Vice Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi hopes that IKA FH will not only become a forum for friendship, but will also become a productive forum for bringing benefits to the legal sector and society.
“Legal aspects cannot be separated from the life of society, nation and state. "The role and contribution of law graduates is very important in order to strengthen legal governance that is adaptive and responsive to developments in the current era," he stressed.
The elected Chair of IKA FH UNESA, Raden Fauzi Zuhri Wahyu Pradika, explained that the formation of IKA FH started from The many alumni desire to collaborate and synergize so that they can become role models and support the academic journey of FH UNESA students.

From the UNESA Faculty of Law for Indonesia.
“We alumni want students UNESA Law Science is better prepared to face the world of work, practical knowledge is very important to answer the needs of the current era, because theory in class alone is not enough," said UNESA's first Law alumnus.
In the dialogue session, Eri Cahyadi emphasized the importance of the role of alumni to become strategic partners in developing and supporting students to be ready to enter the world of work in order to become superior and professional graduates.
“In the future, "Hopefully IKA FH UNESA can give color to the city of Surabaya, like the spirit of UNESA, so that Surabaya is always one step ahead of other cities," he said.
In addition, the National Dialogue carried the theme "Law and Citizen Participation in Strengthening Nationality" which was conveyed by Pudji Astuti, UNESA law lecturer as a resource person.[*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP) and Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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