Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–PPKn Undergraduate Study Program (Prodi), Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a National Level PPKn Competition at Building I6 Srikandi FISH, UNESA Ketintang Campus, on Saturday, October 7 2023.
The competition with the theme "Pancasila as the Foundation of Civilization in the Midst of Moral Degradation" was attended by 120 SMA/SMK/MA level participants from various regions and left 16 teams in the semifinals.

Dr. Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati, M.Sc., as the chief organizer, said that this competition aims to introduce the PPKn study program to the younger generation throughout Indonesia.
"The children who attended this competition are examples of the golden generation that will be the nation's successor. "In this competition, participants are expected to be able to express their critical thinking according to the theme," he said.
He added, the PPKn Competition is a routine, annual activity of the UNESA PPKn study program which has now entered its 10th year. Having high interest from various regions in Indonesia, it is hoped that this competition will be academically beneficial for the participants.
“The hope is that the participants who take part in this competition can become examples for other young generations. "The certificates obtained from this competition will also be useful for their academic journey," he hoped.
Maya Mustika Kartika Sari, S.Sos., M.IP., as Korprodi PPKn said, this competition is a form of the study program's contribution to education in Indonesia, especially SMA/SMK/MA equivalent.
"We want to contribute to education in Indonesia, one of which is by holding competitions related to Pancasila and citizenship," he explained.
In addition, this competition consists of preliminary rounds, semifinals and finals. The preliminary round took place online and 120 teams worked on multiple choice questions.
Meanwhile, the semifinal round, which was attended by 16 teams, was carried out using a quiz system. Then 4 teams were taken who advanced to the final round and it was held using a debate system.
The results of the competition, 1st place was won by SMAN 2 Nganjuk, 2nd place was won by SMAN 1 Bojonegoro, 3rd place was won by SMAN 1 Tuban, and 1st runner up by SMAN 3 Jombang. []
Reporter: Erza Angelia Putri
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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