Students from the Faculty of Psychology, and UNESA leaders and community members carry out Butterfly Hug therapy in the UNESA Psychology Building. This activity is intended as an effort to educate the importance of mental health to the younger generation and community.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—A total of 600 students from the 2023 and 2024 classes of the Faculty of Psychology, Surabaya State University (FPsi UNESA) simultaneously underwent Butterfly Hug therapy at the Faculty of Psychology Building, UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Saturday, 26 October 2024. < /p>
The mass therapy entitled 'Self Butterfly Hug Therapy Education (Self Hugging) by the Most Students' was recorded at the Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI). Students, leaders and members of the community who underwent this therapy seemed to have tears in their eyes.
The Dean of FPsi UNESA, Diana Rahmasari, said that the batterfly hug therapy activity was part of the institution's commitment and attention to the mental health of the community, especially students.
The UNESA lecturer and psychologist emphasized that mental health problems are a big challenge for today's young generation and must be a common concern, because the rate of stress and depression has increased in the last three years.

MURI noted 'hugging yourself' therapy as a strategy to improve mental well-being that involved a record number of students in Indonesia.
Citing data from the National Crime Information Center (Pusiknas), the dean of FPsi continued, the number of 'life-ending' cases in Indonesia increased from 618 cases in 2020 to 1,350 cases in 2023.
By mid-August 2024, the figure had even reached 8,049 cases, which means the average -an average of three people 'end their lives' every day. Life pressure and rapid social changes also contribute to high levels of stress among students.
"Students are not only faced with academic demands, but also family problems, personal relationships, and various other stressors that have the potential to threaten their mental health," he explained.
Mental Wellbeing Education
Diana emphasized that maintaining mental well-being is not just about overcoming problems, but includes efforts to maintain emotional balance and find happiness within oneself, so that on the basis of This is the butterfly hugtherapy that is so necessary.
"We hope that through this activity awareness of the importance of mental health can spread to family, friends and society, so that we can build a mentally healthy generation to reach Indonesia's golden age in 2045," he said.

With this 'self-hugging' therapy, it is hoped that students will love themselves more and become more aware of the importance of maintaining mental well-being.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs , and UNESA Alumni, Madlazim conveyed the importance of paying attention to mental health as part of the well-being of life and achievement of the academic community.
"So far, we often prioritize physical health, while mental health is often neglected. Let's start making ourselves aware that mental health is very important to guarantee the quality of life and academics," said the Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).
MURI Senior Customer Relations Manager, Andre Purwandono conveyed the importance of awareness of mental health and carrying out simple therapy such as the Butterfly Hug as a form of concern for mental health.
Andre revealed that when he tried this therapy, he felt energy and strength which seemed to help relieve the burden of thoughts and stress which is often not realized, but has a positive impact on mental health.

UNESA leadership inaugurated the Landmark Faculty of Psychology and Quality Center of Life which is the center for mental health consultations for the UNESA community.
“We are all in this world don't live alone. We have friends, relatives and family who care. "Continue to share what you feel, don't bottle up your feelings, because that means we don't love ourselves," said Andre.
Several students who took part in this activity also expressed their feelings immediately after carrying out Butterfly Hug therapy. One of them is Vishnu Putra Airlangga, a Bachelor of Psychology student class of 2023. For him, this therapy helped him appreciate himself more and understand his existing limitations.
"I was sad because I pursued my life targets too hard without considering my abilities. "This affirmation activity really helped me to respect myself more and learn to accept my weaknesses and potential," said Wisnu.
In addition, the MURI record breaking coincided with the inauguration of the Faculty of Psychology Landmark. and the Quality Center of Life which is a mental health consultation center, as a concrete step in improving the mental health or well-being of the UNESA community.[*]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS), and Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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