Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology held a National Seminar on Public Services within the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) on Tuesday (29/06). The event which was held virtually was attended by UNESA and PTN and LLDIKTI teams throughout Indonesia.
This activity is an activity carried out in order to improve the quality of public services within the Directorate General of Higher Education. Public service itself is the forefront of the agency that has the function of providing the best service directly to the community as service users.
Prof. Ir. Nizam, as the Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) in his speech said that improving public services is one thing that must always be pursued, improved, and improved. The orientation in public services is no longer on us as service provider agencies, but on the community as the users.
“We must be results oriented, oriented to the benefit of the community. As much as possible the service is as efficient and easy as possible for users (community),” he said. Nizam also explained that to achieve this, every agency should have a strong commitment in providing quality public services. Just as Dikti has the motto "Dikti SIGAP Serving" where S means passion, I means integrity, G means fast action, A means trust, and P means professional.
"So, Dikti is SIGAP Serving, hopefully this can be our joint SIGAP, become our shared spirit for us to realize in providing public services," he said. "Our orientation in serving is the community, providing the best service, upholding integrity in services and carrying out administrative processes, moving quickly to make things easier," he continued.
Meanwhile, to realize quality and world-class public services, Prof. Dr. Diah Natalisa, M.B.A., as the Deputy of Public Services at the Ministry of PANRB, said that the KemenPANRB has set four focused policy directions, namely quality public service policies, electronic-based public services, continuous public service innovation, and integrated public services.
In electronic-based public services, KemenPANRB developed the National Public Service Information System (SIPPN) as an effort to develop a government service information portal. In the future, SIPP is expected to become a national public service portal.
In addition, one of the important strategies in improving service quality is the formulation and establishment of service policies starting from the preparation of service standards or SP, which is then used as a reference in providing services. "SP is not just a physical document, but in the preparation of SP it takes community participation so that we get various inputs related to service activities, public consultation forum activities are expected to be carried out periodically, considering that FKP is proof that the government cares about the needs and aspirations of the community," he said. .
To note, the event, which was held online via the zoom platform and Youtube channel of the Directorate General of Higher Education, was divided into four panels and attended by approximately 390 participants from academic State Universities (PTN) and Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti). (Unesa Public Relations)
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