Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) is growing and is in demand by many regions. After being successfully implemented for village activists and mobilizers in Bojonegoro, now the program is also implemented for ASN, village officials or Magetan Regency Government employees.
A total of 148 Magetan RPL students have started to study actively this semester. They study in five study programs that match the needs of the job or profession. There are S-1 Education Management, S-2 Management, S-1 Information Engineering, S-1 State Administration and S-2 Law.
These students started their academic activities by attending public lectures held at the Pendopo Surya Graha Magetan on Monday, September 4 2023. This guest lecture is the first to be held outside the campus.
Director of the Institute for Professional Education and Certification (LPSP) UNESA, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., said that the Magetan RPL is in great demand. There were 148 students in the five study programs. "This is extraordinary. For RPL, the study programs are definitely superior. Even some study programs are internationally accredited," he said. history, no region or even a country has developed rapidly without paying attention to human resources.
The RPL program is the same as regular lecture programs in general. It's just that the scheme is different. The quality of service and education, even the diploma is signed by the chancellor. "RPL is not a stepchild or second child, but a biological child who is also a priority for UNESA," he emphasized.
This RPL collaboration will have an extraordinary impact, especially for increasing ASN qualifications in realizing superior and advanced regional human resources
"We can imagine, in the future, if the parents are S-1 or S-2, their children don't want to lose either S-1 or S-2 and even their neighbors are also inspired. The multiplayer effect is extraordinary. We are very sure, this is the revival of Magetan. The hope is, 5 or 10 years from now, we will forget the way, because the changes are extraordinary," he said.
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that the spirit of this RPL is to improve the quality of regional human resources. According to him, HR is the locomotive for change and progress in the region.
"This program is a good momentum for students to learn to increase the knowledge and competencies needed for their careers and jobs. Now, all are required to be adaptive, continue to learn to create innovations and change anywhere," he said.
The Regent of Magetan, Dr. Drs. Suprawoto, S.H., M.Sc., in the public lecture session explained that learning opportunities must be utilized well. That way, potential and abilities can develop.
"Like fish, we want to be small fish that dwell in small habitats or become big fish that travel with and even challenge the current. Big in the analogy here is not physical, but self-capacity that must be continuously improved," he said. and the environment by becoming an educated person.
"Educated people have a past, while future owners are educated people who continue to learn. Be an educated person who is useful and never gets tired of seeking new knowledge," he advised.
Activities in cooperation between UNESA and the Magetan Regency Government were attended by the regional secretary and OPD Magetan ranks, faculty leaders, LPSP secretaries, heads of offices, head of campus and secretariat of RPL, coordinators of study programs, and RPL students. [*]
Author: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation< /p>
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