Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—MUI East Java Province in collaboration with LPPM UNESA held a workshop on Religious Moderation and State Defense for Madrasah Aliyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Teachers throughout East Java in the Auditorium, LPPM, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Tuesday , 15 August 2023.
This activity was attended by Prof. Dr. K.H. Abdul Halim Soebahar, MA., Deputy Chairman of the East Java MUI, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., Vice Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs, and Alumni and Prof. Dr.M.Turhan Yani, MA., as Director of LPPM as well as Chairman of the East Java MUI Education Commission.
In his remarks, Madlazim stated that this kind of activity is important to do. According to him, one of the modes of religious moderation comes from research. "This religious moderation strengthens rohmatal lil alamin, and defending the country upholds the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at a fixed price," he said.
Kiai Abdul Halim Soebahar on that occasion discussed "MUI and Religious Moderation: Perspective and Methodology". According to him, there is the difference between religious moderation and religious moderation.
"Religion itself is a wadh'un divineyyun (product of God) while religious moderation is a wadh'un basyariyyun (human product) which may not deviate from the provisions of wadh'un divineyyun, " he explained.
Pancasila, he continued, absorbs a lot of Islamic values so that universal values can accommodate religious differences so as to foster religious understanding that unites and strengthens brotherhood as people of the same nation and homeland.
< p>Meanwhile, Turhan Yani added, the values of moderation in religion and state defense or MBBN consist of peace, tolerance, unity in the midst of diversity, love for the motherland, and rejecting all understandings that conflict with Pancasila ideology. p>One of the challenges in running the MBBN is in the presence of extreme right and left extreme ideologies. This is where the teacher can play a role in imparting MBBN values to students, through academic and non-academic activities.The curriculum is structured within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia by taking into account aspects of increasing faith and piety, increasing noble character, increasing intelligence potential and the interests of students, the diversity of regional potentials, the demands of regional and national development, the demands of the world of work, the development of science and technology and art, religion, the dynamics of global development, and national unity and national values.
"The realization can be carried out in various forms of activities such as faith values through strengthening beliefs, piety with religious-based activities, having high morals through SQ and EQ, as well as being knowledgeable, intelligent and capable through developing HOTS," he explained.

Apart from the speaker, there was also Dr. Nur Kholis Majid, M.HI as Secretary of the Education Commission who on that occasion also delivered material about "Preaching Rahmatan Lil Alamin towards Advanced Indonesia". Also present were all teacher representatives from madrasas throughout East Java, especially Gresik, Surabaya and Sidoarjo.[*]
Reporter: Hasna
Editor : @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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