Unesa.ac.id,Surabaya- The Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMIPA) of the State University of Surabaya held the Mathematics, Informatics, Science and Education International Conference (MISEIC) event on Saturday, September 4, 2021. This event carried the theme “Advancing Research on Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education for Sustainable Development. in the Society 5.0 era”
MISEIC 2021 has become a routine activity every year. This activity, which has been held for five times, was attended by Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. In addition, the conference invited keynote speakers from various experts including Gillian Roehrig, Ph.D from the University of Minnesota, Prof.Dr. Erman from Surabaya State University and Chia-Ling Chiang, Ph.D from National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.
Not only from Indonesia, participants came from various countries including the United States, Germany, Taiwan, Spain, and China. A total of 120 participants took part in this scientific forum. As for the variety of publisher activities offered, such as Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, Atlantis Press, Web of Science, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Base Road, and Crossref.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., directly opened the 2021 MISEIC event, in his speech he said that this conference is a place for researchers, lecturers, and students to express their research ideas. In addition, he hopes that this conference will be able to have a positive impact and run smoothly.
Entering the topic of discussion, Roehrig delivered his material entitled "Defining and Researching K-12 Integrated STEM". Roehrig defines STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and researches integrated K-12 STEM, then explains how research in STEM, with the Development of the STEM Observation Protocol (STEM-OP) is (1) Video review of iSTEM quality, (2 ) Draft collaboration development, (3) Analysis and consolidation, (4) Item level, and (5) Item description and assessment guide. Examples of STEM-OP include the first factor is Higher Order of Thinking Skill and Decision Design, the second factor is Context for STEM Learning, the third factor is Practice Data, the fourth factor is the nature of STEM integration, and the fifth factor is STEM Career.
The speaker from the State University of Surabaya, Prof.Dr.Erman explained about Addressing Socio-Scientific Issues for Sustainable Development. He explained that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a platform with new terminology that has become a global action plan that aims to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. According to him, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) supports multi-stakeholder learning and community engagement, and connects local to global. Full mobilization of education and learning for sustainable development requires better action at the local level.
Meanwhile, Chia-Ling Chiang, Ph.D delivered material on Science Identity: the distance between science and me. In their research, Chia-Ling and her colleagues do not only rely on a theory but they focus more on how it is applied in everyday life which is their identity.
According to him, each person has more than one identity. and that identity can change according to the time and circumstances experienced.
Chia-Ling hopes that this MISEIC event can enrich our knowledge. So it's not only theoretical, but we want how they do a research that directly deals with objects, whether in the form of objects, the environment, and humans in everyday life.
He also added that a research cannot be separated from a policy and also a supportive research atmosphere. One of them at MISEIC is a supportive environment to talk about policies or the most important thing is how to create networks between one research and another. (wul/vin)
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