Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—In order to improve the reasoning and problem solving abilities of elementary school level students, lecturers at the Department of Mathematics, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Mathematics in Context Competition (MiCCo) which was attended by 100 students from several cities in East Java in C8 Building, Ketintang Campus, Saturday (18/11/2023).
This mathematics competition is intended to bridge understanding between mathematical theory and its application in real life. Aimed at students in grades 4 to 6, MiCCo presents a series of questions based on a contextual approach designed to improve students' mathematical literacy and numeracy skills.
Chief executive, Dr. Yurizka Melia Sari, M.Pd., said that the questions tested combined mathematical concepts with real everyday situations. This certainly invites students to explore the world of mathematics from a different perspective.
This initiative comes in response to the finding that many students have difficulty applying mathematics in real contexts, even though they may understand the theoretical concepts.
"We see there is a need to make mathematics relevant for students, plus support the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) in the field of numeracy," he explained.
Continued by Yurizka, MiCCo makes learning mathematics not just about numbers and formulas, but about critical thinking and applying it to solve real world problems.
There are two rounds held, namely the first round and the final round. Of the 100 participants present, 5 participants will be selected who will continue to the final round. "The five finalists will work on the questions given and will present them to the jury team," he explained.
On that occasion, the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program, Prof. Dr. Raden Sulaiman, M.Sc. said MICCO is a forum to provide an understanding that mathematics is something that is encountered and faced every day. This is in line with the realistic characteristics of the Unesa Mathematics Study Program.
"This is the first step in creating a generation that is better prepared and able to face the challenges of the times with sharp and applicable mathematical intelligence," he said.
Through a series of carefully designed competitions, students are challenged to come up with creative ideas and innovative solutions that can be applied in various fields.
We hope that this competition can inspire students to become lifelong learners in mathematics and apply it in a meaningful way in their lives.[]
Reporter: Muhammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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