Maharani Dyah (right) with her final assignment supervisor (left) after the final assignment session (publication results) which were published in a reputable journal.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to make breakthroughs through the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) policy. One of the breakthroughs in the 'Home of Champions' campus policy is recognizing publications (until they are published) as recognition of students' final assignments.
"Students of the MBKM Research program who successfully publish their research results in accredited national journals of at least Sinta 2 or international journals indexed by Scopus or WoS can be recognized as final assignments," said Enny Susiyawati, Head of the Curriculum Section, citing the policy. MBKM UNESA.
He added that the equalization of the article to the final assignment was carried out by students making a report in the final assignment format using the Academic Final Assignment code on the validation sheet.
“Students who take part in the MBKM research program and whose research results are published in a number of journals can submit it as their final project. "In other words, students no longer need to write a thesis or, in our terms, a final assignment, because journal publication is their final assignment," he explained.
This MBKM policy was welcomed by the UNESA academic community. One of the Chemistry Education undergraduate study program students, Maharani Dyah, who has articles published in a number of journals, successfully passed this policy.
Maharani Dyah's research results appear in reputable journals
Under the guidance of Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu and Dian Novita, the MBKM Research internship students succeeded in publishing their article entitled "In Silico Study: ACE Inhibitory Activity as a Marine Animal Fatty Acid Antihypertensive Candidate" in Biodjati Journal, which is accredited Sinta 2 and Scopus Q3 in Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences.
The publication is submitted as a final project according to the format and conditions. After submission, the student will undergo a final assignment hearing (in the form of a journal publication) on Tuesday, July 23 2024.
The examiners are Prof. Utiya Azizah, (Coordinator of the Undergraduate Chemistry Education Study Program), I Gusti Made Sanjaya (examiner 1), Dian Novita (examiner 2), and Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu (examiner 3 and final assignment supervisor).
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Head of the Internship, Research and Independent Studies Section, said that this policy aims to improve student academic outcomes, especially in the form of Scheme 3 Research Learning activities (Student Creativity Program Funding (PKM), Exact Research (RE) and Social Humanities (RSH), which produces relevant scientific articles and research scheme 2 MBKM), where students participating in lecturer research with potential partners UNESA
"The MBKM Research program not only accelerates student graduation but also strengthens the international reputation of Surabaya State University and increases the achievement of key performance indicators, especially IKU 2 and IKU 5," he said.
p>He added that the policies contained in the Final Assignment Guidelines are expected to provide significant encouragement for students in completing studies quickly, building academic portfolios and increasing their opportunities in today's competitive world of work.[*]
Author: UNESA MBKM Team
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA MBKM Team
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