Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Of the 73 participants for the selection of DBON athletes or potential young national athletes, 40 of them managed to qualify for the skill selection stage which took place at UNESA on Tuesday, July 19, 2022. The details of the participants who passed this stage were 8 people in taekwondo, 10 in taekwondo. in swimming, 18 in archery and 4 in athletics.
Deputy for Archery National Development as well as the archery sports supervisory team Wiryawan Richard Yohanes said that the selection process was really tight. The ability of participants is seen from various aspects. Like archery, for example, seen from head to toe. "The way of standing, holding arrows and posture in archery are seen by all," he explained.
Then in the taekwondo sport, Djoko Pratomo as the General Secretary of East Java Taekwondo plus as the assessment team explained that the points taken in this selection were technique, accuracy, reaction and balance.
There are various types of tests such as ap-chagi or forward kicks using the forelegs, dollyo chagi or kicks to the midsection or solar plexus, jireugi or blows upwards, dwi chagi, dwi chireugi and dwi huryeo chagi.
He said that the main focus in the assessment was the enthusiasm of the participants. "Because the participants are still very young, aged 11-14 years who will still be guided and fostered again, so they have not yet reached the stage of technical accuracy. The most important thing is the enthusiasm of the participants first," he told the PR team.
Furthermore, the Kemenpora Expert Team, Jovinus Carolus Legawa said that for swimming, water pH, athlete nutrition, curriculum, learning and the health team must be considered in order to create quality athletes in the international arena.
In the assessment of swimming sports, there are several that are assessed including breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle and butterfly with each sport having a longest trajectory of 1500 meters. All participants must follow all the style practice selection before being grouped.
Meanwhile, for athletics, it is seen from the aspect of flexibility, shock test, leg muscle explosive power, speed, step frequency, and endurance.
Participants from Bali, Daffa said that the preparation to take part in DBON only took about one week. "On Monday, my parents came here and immediately took the test," said the 14-year-old man. In the selection stage, Daffa took part in archery. For the test aspect, he was not surprised, because he had been learning archery since the age of 6 years. He hopes to be included in the UNESA DBON coaching.
The same thing was also expressed by Brilliyan, a participant from Sidoarjo. He also claimed to have been interested in archery since the age of 3 years. "I was motivated by watching the 2010 ASEAN GAMES, from there I wanted to be an archery athlete," he said.
In taekwondo, Elvis also from Sidoarjo revealed that during the selection process, he had mobilized all his abilities to pass the DBON. Becoming a taekwondo athlete is his dream since childhood. “There were some challenging techniques. I don't want to give up until my dream is actually achieved to be part of Indonesia's future athletes," he said enthusiastically. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami and Hayyu Anggreini
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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