Lecturer-Tendik Outreach Activities, and Handling of Violence Prevention and Handling at UNESA.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a socialization regarding the Chancellor's regulations (Pertor) code of ethics and the prevention and handling of violence among lecturers and staff.
The activity entitled "Getting to Know the Pertor Code of Ethics Closer Lecturers and Staff as well as Violence Prevention and Handling Instructors" was conducted online on July 2 2024.
Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, S.Ag., M.Ag., Director of Prevention and Handling of Campus Strategic Issues (PPIS), explained in detail the contents of UNESA Chancellor's Regulation Number 11 of 2024 regarding preventing and handling violence.
This regulation includes six types of regulated violence, namely physical violence, psychological violence, bullying, sexual violence, discrimination and intolerance.
He explains that physical violence involves actions that cause physical harm with or without tools, such as brawls, abuse, and economic exploitation. Then, psychological violence includes actions such as exclusion, rejection, intimidation, terror, blackmail, and other similar acts, which can damage the victim's mentality.
"Then there is bullying or often called bullying, which is also one of the "This form of violence consists of physical and psychological violence. The difference is that this bullying is carried out repeatedly," he said.
This repeated bullying is usually influenced by unequal power relations. He emphasized that bullying is often found in campus environments where there are lecturers who bully with inappropriate words when guiding their students.
Apart from that, of course there is sexual violence in this regulation, including physical, verbal and non-violent violence. physical, and digital. There are various strategies for the role of lecturers and staff in preventing violence. A simple example that can be applied is not holding individual meetings with students outside campus operating hours without the approval of authorized officials.
Session for delivering socialization material by Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, S.Ag., M.Ag., Director of Prevention and Management of Campus Strategic Issues (PPIS) UNESA
"Of course there are several important things that can be done, such as governance, learning and community culture in preventing violence in the academic environment," he explained.< /p>
Irfa Ronaboyd, S.H., M.H., one of the team from the Directorate of Law and Management at UNESA, also provided an explanation regarding UNESA Chancellor's Regulation Number 32 of 2022 which regulates the code of ethics for lecturers.
There are various codes Lecturer ethics in various situations and activities focus on the role of lecturers in the implementation of education, research and community service (PKM). In the implementation of education, he emphasized that lecturers are obliged to carry out education in an innovative manner and assess student learning outcomes objectively and fairly.
Lecturers are also prohibited from leaving their duties without clear reasons or without permission from the head of the study program, or abusing their authority to the point of detrimental to students, and involved in practical politics. Then, in conducting research, lecturers are required to carry out and disseminate research results honestly, openly and objectively.
"Of course lecturers are prohibited from divulging confidential commercial research results and using laboratory facilities for personal interests," he added.< /p>
Regarding community service, lecturers are obliged to involve students, work sincerely and synergistically with colleagues from various scientific disciplines, and value community participation. Lecturers are prohibited from imposing their will on society, defaming institutions or individuals, and using service activities for personal gain.
This activity is expected to increase awareness and understanding of UNESA lecturers and staff regarding the importance of implementing a code of ethics in carrying out their duties , as well as strengthening efforts to prevent and handle violence that may occur. Through this outreach, UNESA is committed to creating a safe and conducive academic environment for the entire academic community. []
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team UNESA
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