UNESA.ac.id, SURABAYA-UNESA was awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology as the best university in implementing the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program. This was one of the reasons why UIN Walisongo Semarang made a working visit to UNESA on Monday, December 6, 2021, at the UNESA LP3 Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
"This visit is for discussion and to discuss how UNESA's experience runs MBKM. UNESA is the first nominee in Indonesia in its implementation, therefore this visit is very important for us," said Deputy Dean Tiga, Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Walisongo Semarang, Dr. H. Ahmad Izzuddin M.Ag.
On that occasion, the UIN group consisted of 14 personnel from the lecturers. They were warmly welcomed by the MBKM Unit, Learning Development Center, and UNESA PLP. Those who share the UNESA program are Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, M.Pd., as the head of the UNESA MBKM unit, Dr. Syamsul Sodiq, M.Pd., as the Head of the UNESA Learning Development Center, and Dr. Titik Indarti, M.Pd., as the head of School Field Introduction (PLP).
Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, M.Pd., explained that UNESA fully supports the MBKM program. As a form of support, UNESA immediately reconstructed the curriculum, synergizes foreign and domestic institutions and industries, increased the competence of lecturers, staff and systems. "Everything is to support the implementation of the UNESA MBKM so that it can be maximized," he said.
MBKM has eight programs, all of which can be converted into courses of 20 credits. In response to this, UNESA has a strategy with innovative course programs (MK) to be registered with PD Dikti. The trick is to design the MK internally first, then when the grades from new students are out, they are uploaded to PD Dikti so that the transcripts of students' grades are different. "If a student has exceeded the limit for participating in MBKM, which is 3 semesters, then the score will be entered into the Certificate of Companion Diploma (SKPI)," he said.
The Head of the UNESA Learning Development Center, Dr. Syamsul Sodiq, M.Pd. explained examples of MK innovations registered by PD Dikti such as the Teaching Assistance Thematic KKN program which was converted to 6 MKs, namely designing programs, developing tools, implementing programs, evaluating programs, disseminating programs, and developing reports. The same thing was done for other thematic KKN such as village and entrepreneurship projects which were made by 6 MKs with different names and codes to be accepted when registered at PD Dikti.
Study program lecturers who are the responsibility of each program are trained to assist students regarding the new Constitutional Court created. One group in one village is accompanied by 7 lecturers, 6 lecturers teaching the Constitutional Court and 1 lecturer as an academic assistant who connects students and 6 lecturers with bureaucrats. In practice, lecturers who teach the Constitutional Court can teach two Constitutional Courts. One lecturer can teach 30-40 people. It saves more on institutional finances, and the Village Credit Agency (BKD). "This system is new and I don't think all universities in Indonesia have implemented it yet,"
UNESA termed student activities in the MBKM program with 2 patterns; first, the 4-1-2 pattern, meaning 4 semesters in the study program, 1 semester choosing another study program within UNESA and 2 semesters outside UNESA. Second, the 6-0-2 pattern, meaning that students choose 6 semesters in their study program without choosing outside. The entire system and internal and external data are managed by the Information Technology Development Center (PPTI). In the internal domain, UNESA has the UNESA Virtual Learning system (Vinesa), while in the external domain it is used to manage student exchange for the MBKM program called Melisa.
Regarding the understanding of the Introduction to the School Field (PLP), Dr. Titik Indarti, M.Pd., explained that in implementing this year's PLP, UNESA increased coordination with city, district and provincial offices for determining the location. PLP locations are in urban areas, districts covering Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Lamongan, Mojokerto, Jombang, and Kediri. This year's PLP was attended by the 2018 2017, 2016, 2015 batch of 2988 and located in 179 schools, including Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, Vocational High School, PKBM/SKB.
The PLP flow starts from the division making school plots based on maps and quotas, then the division determines the DPL and its location, then students register at SIMPLP UNESA and contact DPL. After that, students will receive briefing before going to school. DPL coordinates with schools so that when they go to school, students can supervise in the form of delivery to repatriation. After carrying out PLP activities, students are asked to upload reports on SIMPLP, then DPL validates and uploads grades.
After hearing about various innovations and MBKM programs at UNESA, Dr. H. Ahmad Izzuddin M.Ag., conveyed his impression, "UNESA is in accordance with its tagline One Step Ahead. God willing, UIN Walisongo Semarang is right behind it," he said and laughed lightly. He hoped that UIN Walisongo Semarang, especially the Faculty of Sharia and Law can be a campus that can follow in UNESA's footsteps and become the first and foremost target in PTKIN Kemenag in terms of innovation.[UNESA PR]
Reporter: Lukman
Editor: @zam*
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