Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA -The Community of Recipients of the Scholarship of the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) called the Eas of Garuda East Java was officially launched in the grand launching event in the Auditorium of the 11th Floor Rectorate of Unesa Campus II Tongue Wetan , on Saturday (1/2/2025).
Participants who attended were alumni and students receiving LPDP scholarships from various universities in East Java, with diverse scientific and professional backgrounds.
Carrying the theme "Synergy and Collaboration of East Java MG Towards Transformation that has an impact and meaningful," this event became an important momentum in building networks and collaboration between alumni and students receiving LPDP scholarship in East Java.
< P> Various important figures were present, including the Chairperson of Garuda East Java 4.0, Adityo Kuncorojati, who in his remarks expressed gratitude and appreciation for the implementation of this activity.He emphasized that this community was formed to be a forum for alumni and scholarship recipients in contributing to the community and building ecosystems that support academic and professional development in East Java.
"We want to make the eyes of Garuda East Java as a strong synergy forum, a place to share inspiration and experience, as well as a means to continue to develop their potential to have a broader impact," he said.
The Chairman of the Central Garuda Eye, Leonardo Henry Gavaza in his speech stressed the importance of the role of the community in building a strong network at the national level.
The existence of this community does not only function as a container for friendship, but also as a strategic instrument in helping the development of Indonesian human resources.
"Mata Garuda is present to support every scholarship recipient in self -development and real contributions to the community. We hope that this community will continue to develop and provide greater benefits for the nation and state, "he hoped.
Head of Alumni Development Subdivision, Tri Susilo stressed the role of LPDP alumni in presenting positive changes in various sectors. He invited alumni to take advantage of their membership in the eyes of Garuda as a means of collaboration and innovation.
He wants to see alumni not only successfully successfully, but also able to make a real contribution to development in their respective regions.
"Collaboration between alumni and academic communities is very important to create a better educational ecosystem," he said.
Director of ICT and Cooperation of Unesa, Slamet Setiawan on that occasion reminded the recipients Scholarships to remain persistent in facing challenges, especially for those who are still struggling to find work.
"Never despair in facing difficulties. Tenacity and fighting power is the key to success. Your role is very vital in realizing the 2045 Indonesia Gold, "said the Professor of the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS).
This activity was attended by the Representative Team of the Directorate of Student Affairs; The Culture, Youth and Sports Office, and Surabaya City Tourism. Their presence is a form of support for the initiative carried by the Eye of Garuda East Java 4.0.
In the discussion session, various work programs and strategic agendas will be discussed by the Garuda Mata LPDP East Java. This community is committed to running various initiatives such as mentorship programs for prospective scholarship recipients, community service activities, and professional networks that connect alumni with the industrial and academic world. [*]
Author and Documentation: Grand Launching Team Garuda Eye East Java
Editor: @zam*
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