Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) held online Socialization and Technical Guidance for Reporting LHKPN (State Organizers Wealth Report) 2021 on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 online. The LKHPN program was a program in the reform era and did not exist in the pre-reform era.
Mohamad Sulton Arifin, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the LHKPN is a list of all assets that must be filled out by state administrators. According to him, in the old days, village officials collected wealth without being accountable to the people, and where did the origin of these assets come from. In the current era, state officials have an obligation to report wealth and its sources.
"Now it is necessary to report to the KPK and update the amount of assets from where they came from. In order not to become suspicious and become a process of transparency in the source of wealth, State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and including state officials need to report the amount of their assets," he explained.
There are 10 purposes for filling out the LHKPN, namely; 1) as a form of compliance with laws and regulations, 2) for strengthening and testing the integrity of ASN, 3) for preventing acts of corruption, 4) preventing abuse of authority, 5) for detecting conflicts of interest between duties and personal interests, 6) as a provider control facilities and equipment, 7) as a component of the assessment of bureaucratic reform (RB), 8) as a condition for submitting a ZI-WBK or WBBM assessment, 9) as a form of document administration neatness in a government agency, 10) LHKPN and LHKASN can determine the image of the institution.
Abdur Rahman added, LHKPN is devoted to state officials, spouses or dependent children. Furthermore, LHKPN can be stated in a form provided by the KPK through the https://elhkpn.kpk.go.id/ page.
He continued, the legal basis for LHKPN and definitively is in accordance with Permendikbud Number 40 of 2017 Article 1; State Administrator Wealth Report, hereinafter abbreviated as LHKPN, is a report in printed form and/or other forms of description and details of information regarding assets, personal data, including income, expenses and other data on LHKPN.
Filling in the LHKPN as a transparency effort in preventing state administration from practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN). Not only that, LHKPN is also an instrument for HR management, supervision and accountability. "This must be obeyed by state administrators as stipulated in KPK Regulation Number 2 of 2020," he explained.
The socialization and technical guidance on LHKPN reporting were attended by all levels of UNESA officials, starting from the head of the department, secretary, head of study programs, treasurer, dean, deputy dean, director, deputy director and head of the rectorate. [UNESA PR]
Author : Muhammad Hakim
Editor: @zam
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