Students at SMPN 16 Surabaya learn to process paper waste into maps that can be used as learning media.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Paper waste is one of the main causes of environmental pollution. According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Indonesia currently produces more than 200 million tons of used paper every year.
Schools are one of the contributors to used paper waste outside the office. This condition can indirectly cause environmental pollution and damage. The negative impact of paper waste on schools not only pollutes the environment but also affects students' learning processes.
The accumulation of paper waste can pollute the environment and cause various diseases. Apart from that, piles of waste paper that are not managed properly can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and reduce the aesthetics of the classroom environment, even the entire school.
On this basis, group 2 students of Pre-Service PPG PPKn batch 1 in 2024 State University Surabaya (UNESA) held a socialization on 'Environment and Paper Waste Creation Practices' at SMP Negeri 16 Surabaya, on Friday, July 19 2024.
The activities which are part of the PPG student leadership project are environmentally based, considering that the school is an Adiwiyata or environmentally cultured school.
Opening of socialization on 'Environment and Paper Waste Creation Practices' at SMP Negeri 16 Surabaya.
"Project "This leadership through socialization activities and creative practices aims to instill awareness in students about the importance of protecting the environment and utilizing used paper waste which is often found in the school environment," said Pandu Rudy Widyatama, chief executive.
This activity trains students creatively processing waste paper into something useful for learning at school. One of them is that students are taught how to make maps of Indonesian territory from paper pulp processed from used paper waste.
This craft is then used as a medium for PPKn education in the hope that it can support the learning process so that students better understand the insight of the archipelago. "Through making crafts from paper waste, students not only learn about the importance of protecting the environment, but also learn about Civics in a creative and fun way," said the chief executive.
Environmental outreach activities and waste creation practices This paper provides many benefits. First, increasing students' awareness about the importance of protecting the environment, developing creativity, and learning PPKn in a more enjoyable way.
Second, supporting the independent Adiwiyata program and creating a cleaner and healthier school environment. Third, reducing the amount of used paper waste in the school environment and its negative impact on the surrounding environment.
The students were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity, producing PPKn educational media in the form of an interesting map of Indonesia's territory. "I am very happy to be able to learn how to protect the environment and utilize paper waste into something more useful," said Naila Putri Divia, a class 9D student who took part in this activity.
This activity also received appreciation from school leaders. The principal of SMP Negeri 16 Surabaya, Fadjarijah Nurulita, said that activities like this are important to strengthen sustainable environmentally friendly programs that already exist in schools.
"Especially if we talk about waste paper produced by schools, it needs to be handled immediately. Waste "paper not only has an impact on the environment, but also on students' health and learning. This activity is very important to show concern for the environment," he said in his socialization speech.
The Surabaya City Environmental Service fully supports this activity and considers it It is very important to improve the quality of the environment in schools.
"This activity is very useful for instilling awareness in the younger generation, especially students, about the importance of protecting the environment. I hope this activity can continue to be implemented to minimize used paper waste "at the same time creating an independent Adiwiyata school," said Sayuti from DLH Surabaya City in the material session. []
Author: UNESA Pre-Service PPG PPKn Group 2 Team
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Doc UNESA Pre-Service PPG PPKn Group 2 Team
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