Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-LPPM State University of Surabaya held the 3rd ICRACOS with the theme “Sustainable Innovation in Research and Community Services for Better Quality of Life towards Society 5,” on Saturday (09/10/2021). ICRACOS is an international conference fully supported by the center held online with the aim of improving the quality of research and community service as well as the implementation of science and technology to improve the quality of people's lives.
There were three speakers presented, namely 1) Prof. Auzuir Ripardo de Alexandria from the Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Ceará: Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. 2) Prof. Koh Koon Teck from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. And, 3) Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar from the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, India.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in his speech stated that this conference can provide opportunities for lecturers, teachers, researchers, or stakeholders to be able to channel their ideas in the fields of engineering, science, social, humanism, and STEM Education. Programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). "The theme of ICRACOS 2021 invites researchers and educators in related fields to present their findings that may have an important contribution to make in building a better society," he said.
Prof. Auzuir Ripardo de Alexandria as the first speaker delivered material on the 'Computer Vision System'. He explained that computer vision in its application uses artificial intelligence to view and interpret visual data in the use of cameras, edge servers, or the cloud. Computer vision refers to a set of technologies that enable computers to capture, analyze, and process images.
Vision AI, he continued, is computer vision powered by artificial intelligence. One of the most widely applied uses of vision artificial intelligence (VAI) today is image recognition, the machine's ability to interpret input and classify what is already contained in an image or video. Simply put, artificial intelligence vision is able to analyze objects in the captured image, to make decisions to take action.
On the same occasion, Prof. Koh Koon Teck delivered material on 'The teaching strategy during the Pandemic Recovery Phase'. According to him, there are five strategic steps that schools must take after the Covid-19 pandemic: 1) Conduct a review of the learning targets to be achieved, so that they are rationally aligned with new situations and conditions in the new normal. 2) Identify the resources that need to be owned and held so that the new goals that have been set can be achieved with the availability of existing resources.
3) Mapping the situation and condition of each teacher and student who must get ready to carry out a new learning model based on blended learning as designed. 4) Assessing the gap between need and availability to develop strategic and operational steps that need to be taken immediately to bridge it. 5) 'Execute' these steps creatively and innovatively on a collaborative basis.
Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar, as the last speaker delivered material on 'Trust, the Degree of Reliability in Wireless Self-organizing Networks: Issues and Challenges'. Self-organizing networks are self-organizing networks of automated technology designed to make planning, configuring, managing, optimizing, and recovering cellular radio access networks simpler and faster. Self-organization networks can be used to improve overall network performance and reduce negative effects. [Wulida/Zam]
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