Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, To commemorate the National Education Day (Hardiknas) in 2020 that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic, The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Unesa held an online seminar entitled "Strengthening Character Education through Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic by Professional Teachers", (06/05). This online seminar is also a forum for participants to submit articles that will be published on the ppg unesa web journal. There are several topics discussed in the online seminar, one of which is character strengthening by teachers, considering teachers as implementers of the application of character education in schools.
Prof. Dr. H. Haris Supratno, Professor of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) explained that teachers and lecturers should be able to use the covid-19 pandemic to form character in students and students. Moreover, character education has not been a priority, because usually teachers or lecturers only pursue children's cognitive. "We as teachers or lecturers, any subject must be included strong character nuances," he added.
Meanwhile, Arzeti Bilbina Huzaimi, S.E., M.Ap., a member of the House of Representatives commission IX revealed that there is a reallocation of funds during the covid-19 pandemic as it is now happening. "The Secretary of commission IX of the House of Representatives has conveyed the results of a joint meeting with the Minister of Education and Culture that there is reallocation of funds that will be used to help reduce the rate of acceleration of the spread of covid-19," said Arzeti. In addition, Arzeti also said that commission IX of the House of Representatives will develop distance learning that not only emphasizes on cognitive, but also emphasizes three other aspects of education. (Nov/ay)
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