Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Institute for Learning and Professional Development (LP3) UNESA held the 'Refreshment of Lecturer Instructors and Teachers of Civil Service PPG Positions' phase 4 in 2021 on Tuesday (07/09/2021).
The activity was attended by the dean and deputy dean of the academic field within UNESA, as well as refreshment participants for lecturers and tutors. Head of PPG UNESA Center, Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd said that in this phase 4 refresher program, UNESA won the trust of GTK and got a quota of 1,017 participants.
The trust given causes the number of existing lecturers to be insufficient, so it is necessary to add new lecturers, especially in FMIPA. Each class should have 8 lecturers and 6 tutor teachers. Especially at stage 4, if the lecturers are not enough, they may use the minimum standard with 6 lecturers and 4 tutors in each class. This requires collaboration from various Unesa study programs in order to run smoothly.
On that occasion, Fatkur also conveyed the vision and mission of PPG Unesa to excel in implementation, and be able to carry out governance and so on. In teaching PPG, the ultimate goal is to create or form professional PPG graduates.
Head of LP3 UNESA, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd said that the activities of lecturer instructors and PPG civil servant teachers for the 4th position in 2021 are an obligation for prospective teachers, not just taking attendance. These activities actually update or refresh for system information or other matters related to the implementation of PPG.
"The PPG process has experienced extraordinary dynamics, because at every stage, when given the trust, try to leave academic traces to pass on and deliver professional educators in the future well and maximally," he said.
The material in the program consists of the PPG Daljab Policy in 2021 by Drs. Fatkur Rohman K, M.Pd., Material deepening by Dr. Harmanto, M.Pd., and Development of Learning Tools by Dr. Endah Budi Rahaju, M.Pd. The activity continued with the practice of field experience and filling out the assessment by the participants. (Aida)
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