Dean of FEB Prof. Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si (right), Deputy Dean for Field 1, Dr. Muhammad Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag., M.Si, ( middle), and Deputy Dean for Field 2, Prof. Dr. Susanti, S.Pd., M.Sc (left) in UVCE at the FEB Building Campus 1 Ketintang (1/3/2024).
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Surabaya State University (UNESA) is a faculty with a global reputation in the fields of economics, economics, business and entrepreneurial-leadership-based education.
"FEB graduates are equipped with an entrepreneurial-leadership spirit and skills. Not only are they creative and innovative, but they educate the generation with strategies for making decisions, facing risks, and being adaptive to change," said the Dean of FEB, Prof. Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Sc., at UVCE on March 1 2024.
The profile of graduates from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), he continued, is to be leaders of change in the future and ready to face or adaptive to the challenges of revolution 4.0 and society 5.0.
"Academic and non-academic activities at FEB encourage and equip students to have global competitiveness. Many of our students take part in exchanges abroad and take part in competitions and win at "explained Prof. Anang.
Meanwhile, Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Planning, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation, and Communication and Information Technology, Prof. Dr. Susanti, S.Pd., M.Si., explained that starting this year, FEB is designing smart class rooms and creating working spaces in each building.
Apart from that, FEB is equipped with laboratories (labs) with the highest spec computers. to micro teaching labs, marketing computer labs, microteaching, retail, offices, and human resource management laboratories.
It also has an open reading room and library, arts and sports facilities, as well as disability-friendly infrastructure. All of this is to provide services that support students' academic and non-academic activities.
The Surabaya-born professor added that the study programs at FEB are among the favorites in every new student admission route. For example, the Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Digital Business study programs are always in the top 10 favorite study programs on the 'Home of Champions' campus.
Explained by the Deputy Dean for Learning, Research, Community Service to the Community, Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Muhammad Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag., M.Sc., that outside of these three study programs, on average they are the favorites of new students, due to various reasons, one of which is reputation, competence and career opportunities in the world of work, business and industry.< /p>
FEB, he continued, has a good academic and non-academic ecosystem, with 17 student organizations. The students are very active, in 2023 alone they will hold up to 400 activities a year. It is not surprising that FEB students are busy taking part in personal and career development on campus.
The faculty at Campus 1 Ketintang, Surabaya is ISO certified and BAN-PT accredited and a number of study programs are internationally accredited. The undergraduate study programs under the auspices of FEB are as follows, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Islamic Economics, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Office Administration Education, Bachelor of Accounting Education, Bachelor of Education Economics, Bachelor of Commerce Education, and Bachelor of Digital Business.[]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)/Sindy Riska (FISH)< /p>
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
UVCE FEB Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QREx5XVzGxQ
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