Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—As a state university that has excellence and commitment in the field of disabilities, Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to strive so that the country's democratic party can also provide convenience and comfort for people with disabilities.
For this reason, the UNESA delegation consisting of two supervisory lecturers; Zaenal Abidin, M. Pd, and Novia Restu Windayani, S.Pd, M.Pd, and 12 UNESA students with disabilities attended and contributed their ideas in a discussion or FGD with the leadership of the East Java KPU at the East Java KPU Office on Tuesday, 7 November 2023.
This FGD which also involved the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) was a continuation of the results of previous collaboration between the KPU and UNESA. This collaboration includes an internship program where students with disabilities are given the opportunity to learn and participate in programs at the East Java KPU.
UNESA, PPDI and the East Java KPU focus on discussing accessibility, facilities and assistive devices for people with disabilities. UNESA students are also active in providing aspirations and input regarding general elections such as open opportunities for elections such as ballot papers for blind people using braille, providing companions for voters with disabilities.
In order to realize disability-friendly general elections, UNESA is also working the same as Bawaslu for internships for students with disabilities. This program is a follow-up to the collaboration between the UNESA Disability Directorate, the Indonesian Association of Disabled People (PPDI), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the General Election Commission (KPU), and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).
One of the implementations of this collaboration is election training and guidance specifically aimed at people with disabilities. This training can provide an in-depth understanding of the election process, voters' rights, and how to use voting rights effectively.
Acep Ovel Novari Beny, M.Pd., from the Disability and Business Services Section, Directorate of Disabilities, adding that the UNESA Disability Directorate together with PPDI will develop educational materials that are easily accessible to people with disabilities.
“These materials will include guidance in a variety of formats, such as text, video, and audio, to suit varying disability needs ," he said.
Director of Disabilities, Dr. Wagino, M. Pd., expressed his hope that people with disabilities would be better facilitated and more aware of their rights and understand the election process, so that involvement in elections could increase. Apart from that, the election process can also be friendlier and more comfortable for people with disabilities.
"This ongoing collaboration can later become a bridge for students with disabilities in providing input and collaborating on technological tools to assist in elections. for people with disabilities," he concluded.[]
Reporter: Angel Millehelena
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: UNESA Disability Directorate Team Documentation
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