UNESA Labschool students show off cosplay at Labs D'Fest and Open House.
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—SMA Labschool UNESA Surabaya held a Labs D'Fest and Open House on the grounds of SMA Labschool UNESA 1 in commemoration of Language Month, on Tuesday, 29 October 2024.
The event had the theme "Fostering Your Talent Through the Language and Arts Festival" is a space for students to hone their talents in the fields of arts and languages. This agenda also serves as an opportunity to introduce UNESA Labschool to the local community and junior high school students.
The Principal of UNESA Labschool High School, Dewi Purwanti appreciated the enthusiasm and creativity of the students who colored this activity. "UNESA Labschool students always show strong, creative and innovative character in every activity," he said.
He added, Labs D'Fest is proof that Labschool students are able to organize events well and beneficial for all.
The chief executive of Labs D'Fest 2024, Zerline Laili Ramadhani, explained that this year's event was different from previous ones with the addition of artistic elements.

This activity become a place for student creativity as well as promotion of the school to surrounding junior high school students.
"This year we are combining language month with art, such as mural and cosplay competitions as mandatory competitions, as well as poetry, jula-july and singing duet competitions for the lottery category," explained Zerline .
In the middle school category, 1st place was won by Labschool 3 Middle School, followed by Nurul Huda Middle School as 2nd place, and Labschool 2 Middle School as 3rd place. At the high school level, several main categories were won by UNESA Labschool students. , including muspus, singing duet, jula-juli, coswalk and mural categories.
Apart from internal competitions, Labs D'Fest also presents an open house which invites several junior high schools in Surabaya. With this concept, it is hoped that junior high school students will participate can get to know Labschool UNESA more closely and be inspired by the various artistic performances displayed.
With this series of activities, Labs D'Fest further emphasizes Labschool UNESA as a school that supports the development of students' character, creativity and talent in the field of languages and art.[*]
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (FISIPOL)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Lasbchool Team
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