Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Transformation towards a Golden Indonesia 2045 must be supported by quality human resources or HR, one of which has digital capabilities. Therefore, digital talent must be born on campuses through various strategies.
This was conveyed by Dr. Riant Nugroho, expert staff of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia in a Guest Lecture held by the Bachelor of Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) at the FISH Auditorium, Ketintang Campus, on Tuesday, 21 November 2023.< /p>
In the activity with the theme "Roadmap for Preparing Quality Human Resources to Drive Transformation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045", the Chair of the Indonesian Public Policy Society or MAKPI explained about the preparation of quality human resources in the era of digital transformation.
The public policy expert said that digital talent is skills and abilities related to the use of technology and digital platforms in various fields.
There are several ways to increase digital talent for students, including continuing to hone critical thinking and implementation of the memorizing system. In this way, innovation and new ideas from superior digital talents can be achieved by students towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
“Now digital skills are a demand. Because, everything can be digitalized. "Students must continue to train themselves to make reliable decisions by improving the quality of thinking, trust, teamwork, innovation, speed and quality of opinion," he said.
This digital talent is important for Indonesia, especially for the development of the digital economy. Based on data from the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Information last year alone, Indonesia lacks around 400-500 thousand digital talents per year.
Then, the National Information and Communication Technology Council (Wantiknas) also estimates that Indonesia will lack around 9 million digital experts. The dynamics of industry 4.0 require continuous improvement of HR competency in digital aspects in regions and campuses.
Meanwhile, Hatta Perdana, Assistant Vice President for Digital Regulation from Telcom Group, in the introductory session explained about the digital government system . According to him, the importance of implementing digital government will bring real changes to everyday life.
For example, community involvement in the field of government administration, so that people can be directly involved and become more open.
Students, continued Hatta Perdana, are expected to be able to increase their digital talents, one of which is through the Indonesia Telecommunication and Digital Research Institute (ITDRI) which was introduced by PT Telkom Indonesia.
"The goal is for Indonesia to develop and support Indonesia's empowerment, increase innovation index and building a strong digital ecosystem, and producing superior digital talent," he said.
Dean of FISH, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., said that this activity was UNESA's response following the urgency of digital talent in realizing a Golden Indonesia 2045. The competition in the future is competition for digital skills which of course has an impact on a country's digital economic system.
< p>"HR must be prepared from the start because these students will later become leaders, one way is by improving the quality of their performance. This activity is very important for students so that it can continue to be followed up in the future. "Once again, students must prepare themselves with qualified digital skills," he said.The Coordinator of the Undergraduate Study Program in Public Administration, Eva Hany Fanida, S.AP., M.AP., said that this guest lecture was carried out in an hybrid which was attended by 500 Bachelor of Public Administration students class of 2023. Also present were faculty leaders and a number of lecturers.
"This activity is a space to find out the role of students in achieving the vision of a golden Indonesia in development plans through improving human resources, infrastructure and digitalization," said the woman born in Wali City.[]
Reporter: Fadina
< p>Editor: @zam Alasiah*Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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