unesa.ac.id., Surabaya - As many as 1,548 students of Surabaya State University (UNESA) officially hold the title and undergoing inauguration in the 113th graduation event at Graha Unesa, Campus 2 Tongue Wetan , Surabaya on Wednesday, February 19 2025.
Graduation with the theme 'Graduates of Unesa Tangguh, Innovative, Collaborative, and Adaptive Wisptive Welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045' is special, because the Chairperson of the East Java DPRD, M. Musyafak Rouf is present motivating and providing reinforcement through scientific speech .
Rector of UNESA, Nurhasan or who is familiarly called Cak Hasan said that the graduation procession marked a achievement from the learning process at Unesa.
graduates not only receive academic degrees, but also get a new mandate and responsibility as academic people who are expected to contribute to the community, nation and state.
cak Hasan believes, with provision obtained during the study, both in the form of science, experience, and competence as well as skillset, UNESA graduates are ready to show their ability in the world of work and industry, and open job opportunities in society.
"All the requirements of success already exist, so do not hesitate to step and do the best and beneficial to the surrounding environment," said Professor of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK).
He advised all graduates and alumni, wherever a career place after this, in order to maintain the good name of the alma mater, become a good example for others, and continue to be a soothing water and provide life, in the sense of benefits for others.
The best graduate scholarship
representing the entire family of Unesa, Cak Hasan congratulates and thanks to the graduates along with all parents and great families who always support their children or family to reach the current point.
Cak Hasan also appreciated the best graduates by providing savings of education funds to the best graduates from each faculty.
Graduates of the Bachelor Program, get the S-2 Scholarship Offer at Unesa, and the S-3 Scholarship offer to the best Masters program graduates.
"For the best doctoral graduates, we are Give a contribution of education or self -development funds. This education is in collaboration with UNESA, and Bank BTN, "said Cak Hasan, who always appeared with his 'Bineka' shoes.
The names of graduates or graduates or The best graduates of the 113 Unesa 2025 period are as follows:
1. Urged Made Anggraeni, GPA, 4.00, Graduates of S-3 Science Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA);
2. Alma Dita Mia Narfais, GPA, 4.00, Graduates of the S-2 Education Study Program (PLS), Faculty of Education (FIP);
3. Waristra Tyo Nirwansyah, GPA, 3,88, graduates of S-1 Sports Education Study Program, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK);
4. Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud, GPA, 3,97, graduate of Indonesian S-1 Literature Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS);
5. Dya Amelia Susanti, GPA, 3,90, Graduates of S-1 Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Education (FIP);
6. Ikmal Mughini Kurniansyah, GPA, 3,86, the best graduates of the S-1 Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering (FT);
7. Yanti Nur Rahmadhani, GPA, 3,91, Best Graduates of Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA);
8. Proud Putra Pramudya, GPA, 3,72, Best Graduates of S-1 Legal Study Program, Faculty of Law (FH);
9. Moh. Rizqy Eka Putra, GPA, 3.93, the best graduate of S-1 Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB);
10. Fakhris Aulady, PIK, 3,86, the best graduates of the Sociology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL);
11. SYAROFINA IZNA MAULIDAH, GPA, 3,86, the best graduate of S-1 Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology (FPSI);
12. Khayfa EF Alam, GPA 3,86, the best graduate from S-4 Graphic Design Study Program, Vocational Faculty. [*]
Reporter: Prismacintya (FBS), Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS), Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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