Quality of Indonesian Education (KPI) in collaboration with the Al-Falah Social Fund Foundation (YDSF) held a graduation for Elementary School Teacher Training (DGSD) S-1 plus class VI in the Auditorium room of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) Unesa Building I-6 on Saturday (31/12). The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. (Vice Rector III Unesa) Shobikhul Qisom M.Pd. (KPI Executive Director) Ahmad Mudhofar Lc M.A. (KPI Trustees) Drs. H. Taufik AB (YDSF Truster) Guritno (YDSF Distribution Director) YDSF cleric and YDSF cleric along with invited guests (DGSDs graduation parents). KPI is an institution that builds a quality-based school system printing headmasters reliable print professional teachers and produce great parents to produce students who excel have morals and excel. This year KPI together with YDSF graduated approximately 40 religious teachers after a lecture for one year.
In the event Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. said the quality of education in Indonesia needs to be improved. Educators must really have good knowledge and teaching skills because in their hands the nations next generation can advance the country. Suhaiman S.Hum. One of the graduates said that the DGSD program made us more competent as teachers. We are proud to be given the opportunity to get more knowledge from this program. "We aspire to establish a school that is like a toy store in the eyes of children because we want children to come to school with enthusiasm as they are enthusiastic when playing" he explained. Congratulations and successful graduates. Hopefully the knowledge and experience gained is useful and can improve education in Indonesia.
(Novi Indah_Humas Unesa)