Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) through the Electronic Certification Center (BSrE) and Surabaya State University (UNESA) held Socialization on the Process and Implementation of Electronic TTD at the Auditorium, Fl. 9 Professional Education and Certification Institution (LPSP) Building, on Tuesday, November 7 2023.
This activity was attended by 346 participants consisting of deans, directors, heads of institutions, heads of technical implementation units or ULTs, as well as officials others around UNESA. Dr. Sulaksono, M.H., Director of Law and Management at UNESA, said that UNESA has planned to implement digital signatures.
"For this reason, the presence of BSrE can speed up the plans that have been prepared. "It is hoped that this activity will accelerate what we all hope for," he said.
Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., explained, UNESA PTN-BH needs to accelerate to improve the quality of campus services, one of which is by speeding up digital signatures.
Digital signatures or signed (TTD), he continued, not only to speed up correspondence, but there are many factors that make it important to do this at UNESA, such as document validity and legality. "This is done for institutions that have an interest in the letter we distributed," he said.
As a resource person, Tetra Widianto, S.ST., M.Kom., Head of the Electronic Certification System Technical Fulfillment Section, BSrE provided material regarding how to register and use digital signatures on documents.
At the initial stage you have to register at Kominfo, after that carry out verification by entering the NIP for ASN or NIK for civilians, and after that the stage of issuing a signature account electronic.
"After registering, successful participants will receive a code as a passphrase which is the key to creating an electronic signature." He said.
He also emphasized that this electronic signature is done digitally so that documents that can be added with digital signatures cannot be printed documents. Documents that have been affixed with an electronic signature can be checked for authenticity.
If there is forgery in the document, there is a mark indicating where the change was made in the document. "Verification of document falsification will be much faster than conventional methods," he emphasized.
The event continued with a discussion and question and answer session with the BSrE team consisting of Tetra Widianto and Amalia Fitri Kurnia Dewi, S.Tr. MP as BSrE's First Expert Sandiman, and Mohammad Iqbal as BSrE staff. []
Reporter: Farhan Bachtiar/Nelly Najwa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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