Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Novita Aprilia, graduate of Master of Economics Education at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Surabaya State University (UNESA), succeeded in making a brilliant achievement as the best graduate in period 110 with a perfect GPA of 4.0.
This achievement was not the result of an easy journey. This woman from Tuban, East Java, shows that hard work and strong determination can lead someone to reach the pinnacle of success.
After receiving the Adi Wisudawan award, Novita expressed her feelings of happiness. “I am very grateful and happy for this achievement. "I want to make my parents proud and prove that women from small areas are also capable of achieving brilliant achievements," he said.
Novita's journey to success was full of challenges. During semesters 1 and 2, he had to divide his time between studying and teaching as an Accounting teacher at Adhikawacana Vocational School, Sukolilo District, Surabaya.
This division of time is quite a challenging moment, especially when you have to study online and offline. Novita often has to ask for help from fellow teachers to replace her teaching schedule when there are offline lectures.
Entering the third semester, Novita decided to focus completely on her studies and resigned from her job as a teacher. This decision was taken so that he could devote all his attention to his final project or thesis.
In her thesis entitled "The Influence of Financial Literacy, Use of Social Media, and Learning Outcomes in Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurial Behavior with the Moderating Variable of Self-Efficacy," Novita shows that the use of social media has a big impact on entrepreneurs, especially in understanding financial literacy.
Apart from focusing on academics, Novita also hones her public speaking skills through various presentation assignments. "Like it or not, I have to continue to upgrade my presentation delivery skills," he explained.
After receiving the title of first graduate, Novita shared her plans for the future. He dreams of continuing his studies at the doctoral level after working for a year.
"I plan to get a doctoral scholarship and continue my studies at a state university, such as the State University of Malang (UM) or stay at UNESA," he said enthusiastically.
Novita is also considering continuing her doctoral studies in Malaysia, because the educational curriculum model there is considered quite good and not too different from Indonesia.
Novita's dream of becoming a lecturer has already been formed since high school. His experience teaching in the classroom further strengthened this dream. “When I teach children in class, it feels good. "From there my desire to become a lecturer became even more intense," he concluded.
Novita also motivated her younger classmates to continue their education to a higher level. “Nowadays, if you have graduated from S1, maybe you can continue to Masters.
Because there are still many scholarships such as BPI LPDP. And UNESA also holds its own scholarship, namely Fresh Graduate. Because in S1 it was also difficult now to find work. "You can continue with a master's degree and it only takes 2 years," he said encouraging the students.
Novita Aprilia's story is a clear example that with strong determination and passion, big dreams can be achieved. The brilliant achievements he achieved have inspired many people to never give up in pursuing their dreams and continue to strive to achieve brilliant achievements.[]
Reporter Team: Zakariya Putra Soekarno ( Fisipol), Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol), Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS), Saputra (FBS), and Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS).
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Doc Novita Aprilia
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