When he was declared successful on campus 'Home of Champions', this young man whose address is in Delta City is still 15 years and 10 months old. Yes, he was born in 2008, and May 5 will be his 16th birthday.
Being able to pass the Bachelor of Civil Engineering study program, Faculty of Engineering, UNESA at such a young age is certainly a proud achievement. Moreover, in this route, the young man who is familiarly known as Aldhi had to compete with 26,037 total UNESA applicants.
"When he saw the announcement, he felt nervous, between disbelief and pride, because the engineering study program has been his dream since "I chose the engineering study program for both the first and second choices. Thank God, I passed UNESA according to my dream," he said on Wednesday, March 27 2024.
Son of Hepta Adi Nugroho and Nining Selvi Indarti shared her reasons for choosing the Civil Engineering study program, one of which was wanting to contribute to regional development so that infrastructure development and community buildings are in line with needs and characteristics and have resilience, especially in disaster-prone areas.
Apart from that, Aldhi also has The goal is to become a member of the nation who works or is involved in strategic Indonesian projects such as the Archipelago Capital Mega Project (IKN) and so on. "Because of that, I am enthusiastic about studying and want to go to college quickly," he said.
This alumnus of SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo has tips for qualifying to become the youngest participant which he has been trying to do since he was at SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Aldhi chose to study hard and enter as an accelerated class student so that he could complete junior high school in 2 years.
He did the same thing when he was a student at SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Aldhi took the accelerated class again and managed to complete the final level of secondary school in 2 years.
Entering the accelerated class meant that Aldhi had to have more enthusiasm for learning and study strategies than his classmates. Because, if you can't maintain your grades, you could be thrown into the regular class. The learning style he applies is continuous and 'sergeant', aka serious but relaxed.
Apart from that, Aldhi has his own principles in learning. First, discipline. That way, the enthusiasm for learning is maintained. In other words, learning is not based on a good mood, sometimes not good, but rather on motivation that is maintained with discipline and dreams.
Secondly, choose the right study time according to comfort and focus. Aldhi usually studies 2 hours before sleeping. When you are relaxing, try to utilize your time by reviewing the subjects you have studied as reinforcement.
Third, start and end your learning activities with prayer. This is in accordance with the message from Aldhi's parents that every study or activity must be colored with prayer. This effort can be called the heavenly path combined with the earthly path (effort and prayer).
During high school, Aldhi liked Physics the most. Even though there are many separate formulas and symbols, for him that is what makes studying Physics more challenging and exciting. Plus, studying Physics cannot be separated from his daily activities.
The learning atmosphere in class, said Aldhi, cannot be separated from the support of his teachers who are patient in teaching. “My teachers are good at teaching, easy to understand. Moreover, before entering middle school or high school, we are offered whether we want to enter an accelerated class or not, and there is a selection through a psychological test," he explained.
Aldhi hopes that this opportunity to enter UNESA can be a good opportunity to continue learn, improve one's abilities, gain experience and friendships, build competence so that one's dreams come true.
“Incidentally, my older brother also studied Bachelor of Accounting, FEB UNESA. So we can be enthusiastic and motivate each other. I was also motivated by my sister, because I saw her excitement while studying. Moreover, later we can also go to campus together to save costs," he joked.[]
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam (FIP)
Photo: Aldhi Fairuz Hartono Documentation
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