Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Medeka Laboratory Research Group Team (Lab Merdeka) assisted by the Independent Campus Learning Subdirectorate (MBKM), Academic Directorate UNESA installed QR code plaques for a number of flora and fauna in the campus forest or UNESA Merdeka Lab, Lidah Wetan Campus II, Friday, February 2 2023.
The Merdeka Laboratory Research Group Team consists of 10 Biology Department students, Faculty UNESA Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) under the supervision of Supervisor Dwi Rahayu Anggorowati, S.Si., M.Sc., and Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M. Kes. The research activities carried out are part of the Ministry of Education and Culture's MBKM Program, namely the Research/Research Internship sector.
Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., conveyed that this activity was to support the utilization of the potential of Lab Merdeka as a living laboratory. This is in line with the vision of the Merdeka Laboratory to fulfill the functions of the tridharma of higher education (Education, Service and Research).
In the education sector, the Merdeka Lab has been widely used for teaching and learning activities for lecturers and students. From the aspect of community service, it has also been used as a recreational facility for the community around campus. Now optimized also in the research field.

Research at the Merdeka Lab begins with exploring the natural resources within it. Exploration of the diversity of flora and fauna is focused on certain types, such as flora that have a habitus or the appearance of trees.
“After that we identify, describe and explain their benefits. Then we give it a label and we collect the information in a QR code. "So visitors now not only have recreation, but can also carry out studies by scan QR," he explained.
As part of the MBKM research field or internship that specializes in research, 10 students are involved in research not only gets practice in the field, but also recognition for 20 credits. According to Prof. Fida, Lab Merdeka has great potential, there are many visits from high schools and schools from various regions to Lab Merdeka which must be balanced with optimization.
“Lab Merdeka has great potential as edu-ecotourism, not just photo spots and outbound areas, but really functional from all sides. "The flora in it has the potential to act as a phytoremediator, namely a concept where plants will be optimized to be able to absorb pollutants in their surroundings and contribute to reducing pollutants in Surabaya," added the UNESA ecologist.
Dwi Rahayu Anggorowati, S.Si., M.Sc., lecturer in the Biology Study Program and Head of the Internship/PKL Section, said that the research output that has been achieved is digitization in the form of a QR code which contains interactive material related to the description of the plant, morphological and physiological information, and its uses and benefits.

"We can easily access the QR code by scanning it on a smartphone camera, then we will go to the academic website which will immediately be directed to interactive material features related to types of flora/fauna, their descriptions, benefits and potential, in addition to "There is also a question and answer feature," he explained.
Apart from that, there are also outputs in the form of scientific articles published in journals and books that have an ISBN, which are available in digital (e-book) and print form. Through this output, it is hoped that the wider community will be able to find out about 66 species of flora and fauna that have been identified.
At this stage, the team has only carried out research in the campus forest area, but in the future we will have coordinated with the Chancellor to move forward. in other areas in future research. Apart from tree habitus flora, this research also identifies fauna such as aves, small mammals and insects, and has been included in the QR Code which shows the fauna collection in this independent laboratory.
"We hope that our research can "Introduces that the Merdeka Lab can optimize its potential and is truly in line with its slogan, namely REK (Recreation, Education and Conservation)," he said. []
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation Public Relations Team
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