Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Equal distribution of regional and city development with a sustainable concept which is intensively carried out by the government needs to be supported by competent human resources in the field of regional and city planning.
HR in this field continues needed, while the availability of human resources and the number of PWK study programs in East Java are still limited. On this basis, Surabaya State University (UNESA) opened a new study program, Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning (PWK).
This study program can be chosen by applicants to enter UNESA on the SPMB or Mandiri route which will open in June 2024 coming. Dean of FT Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., said that this study program which is under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) has a vision of becoming a strong, adaptive and innovative study program in the field of PWK science.
The mission is, 1) to organize quality education in the PWK field with a tough, adaptive and innovative character. 2) Developing research in the field of PWK that is environmentally sound and sustainable.
Furthermore, 3) Developing community service by disseminating and applying PWK knowledge for the welfare of society. 4) Increasing productive national and international cooperation in the PWK sector to increase recognition of higher education tridharma activities.
With this vision and mission, the resulting graduate profile is as follows; First, master the theories and concepts that are the basis of PWK science. Second, master the approach, methodology and analytical techniques used in PWK. Third, mastering the use of software applications as analytical tools in PWK.
Graduates of this study program with the motto 'Secure Nature for Sustainable Future' are needed in the world of work and industry. Job prospects could be in government agencies such as Bappenas, Bappeda, BPN, PUPR, BIH, you could also become a teacher or lecturer and researcher. Even in the private sector; you can be a consultant, developer, NGO, contractor, and many more. [*]
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