Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—After going through various stages, finally the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) got its best students in the Grand Final which took place at the Dr. Auditorium. Leo Indra Adriana, M.Pd., FBS., on Friday, September 1 2023.
The search event for faculty 'ambassadors' involving the FBS Boys and Girls Association with the FBS BEM was attended by 5 pairs of the best student representatives from various study programs at FBS.
They have gone through a series of selections, starting from interviews, essays, presentations, quarantine and the grand final. In the final process, participants showed their best performance in front of the jury and parents who were also present.
Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D. , said that the selection of men and women would be a means of branding to introduce the faculty to a wider scope.
"With a structured program, hopefully the winners who become icons of FBS can bring the good name of the faculty to greater events. "he hoped.
Grace Shinta Naomi Sihite, 2022 East Java Talented Raki, one of the jury members, revealed that this male and female selection activity is a means of capturing student interests and talents.
"When the event held has a sustainable nature, it will have an impact and benefit on all aspects around it," he said.
Apart from Grace, there are also other judges such as Ilham Devara Hendar Putra S.Pd., male UNESA 2018 and Arif Hidajad, S.Sn.. M.Pd., UNESA Sendratasik lecturer and supervisor of the Student Organization and UKM Theater Institute.
The jury has criteria for determining the scale of abilities and skills possessed by the male finalists FBS daughter which includes insight, creativity, skills, talent and self-confidence. The finalists with the best scores are the winners and have the right to serve as FBS boys and girls for the next year.
As for the results of the grand final, Muhammad Ikhwan Zulfikar Fahmi (Music Arts) and Hilda Aldena Ryanita (English Literature) came out as winner of FBS Boys and Girls 2023.
Furthermore, Muhammad Dzamir Abrar Abidin (German Literature) and Mega Nur Karisma (Indonesian Language and Literature Education) received awards as Boys and Girls of the Environment.
Mohammad Rafli Wisnu Triwijaya (Drama, Dance and Music Education) and Nala Maziya Fitriyah (Indonesian Language and Literature Education) won the Son-Putri Literacy award.
Danica Nabil Safa (Fine Arts) and Shafa Dhiya Sujatmiko (German Literature) received the Talented Sons and Daughters award. Then, M. Sabian Navaro A.F (German Literature) and Devi Suci Rahmawati (English Education) came out as Favorite Boys and Girls.
The chief executive, Fuji Susanto hopes that the winners can continue the struggle at the university level to bring FBS name. "Good luck and we hope to remain responsible, tough and most importantly sincere in carrying out our duties," he hoped. [*]
Author: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation< /p>
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