Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA--Students from various faculties took part in the Digital Literacy Camp organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) together with Surabaya State University (UNESA) at the Student Center, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Monday-Tuesday, 11-12 September 2023.
This activity aims to increase students' digital literacy skills and awareness in preparing the younger generation towards a Golden Indonesia 2045. And, equip students to be more technologically wise.
Dean of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH), Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., said that increasingly sophisticated technology is like a double-edged sword. If you don't use it carefully, it can be dangerous for the younger generation.
Because of that. Digital literacy awareness needs to be increased, young people need to have critical, analytical and exploratory thinking. "Students who join must be wise and creative in using technology," he said.
He advised students not just to study, but also to develop soft skills by taking advantage of various programs offered by the ministry and UNESA.
Deputy Dean for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Listiyono Santoso, S.S., M. Hum., explained that digital literacy cannot be separated from digital culture. According to him, digital culture is a process of interaction, behavior, thinking and communicating in a social environment using technology.
"There are those who use technology wisely, there are also those who don't. We can see it on social media now. "We hope that UNESA students can be an example for other students in using social media wisely," he said.
This activity was attended by several speakers such as Dr. Listiyono Santoso, S.S., M., from Unair, Faiz Miftahul Huda, M.Med.Kom; and Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, S.Sos., M.Med.
In the material session, Listiyono Santoso said that the technological skills of today's young generation are beyond doubt. If this is accompanied by awareness (wiseness), it can have a significant impact.
In order to adapt and balance digital literacy, Listiyono Santoso provides several tips that students can use in using digital technology.
First, participation: contributing to a common goal. What this means is that students can take part in digital literacy participation, not just production and consumption.
Second, improvement; namely how society improves old culture into a culture that lives with digital literacy. This means that students can make improvements by forming a more active culture to be sensitive to digital literacy.
Third, utilization; namely how students use previous things to form new things. This means that students can take advantage of the momentum of advanced technology as an asset to become competent in literacy. “Don't see progress as a threat but as an opportunity. "The future belongs to people who master digital technology," he said. [*]
Reporter: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam Alasiah *
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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