Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-There are many ways that can be done to improve students' writing skills. One of them can be through the Online Scientific Pulpit 4 as was done by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Arts, UNESA on Thursday (03/6/2021).
The activity carried the theme 'Practical Writing Strategies for Students of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature'. The invited speakers were Hans Yosef Tandra Dasion, B.Ed., M.TCFL., Cicik Arista S.Pd., M.TCSOL., and Muhammad Farhan Masrur S.Pd., M.TCFL., and moderated by Tiffany Qorie , SS
In his presentation, Hans said that there are several steps that must be considered in writing scientific papers such as theses, including literature review, methodology, results and conclusion. In making a literature review there is an easy way that can be done, namely by reading a paper or thesis or a dissertation several times, then observing the way of thinking. At that stage, Hans suggested that you be careful in choosing a topic of study or research.
Then in designing the methodology, it is necessary to pay attention to the opinions of others, as well as to suitability in choosing the method. Meanwhile, the results are written with a focus on the important things obtained. And the last is the conclusion or conclusion which consists of the previous three parts, which are generalizations and take the point. "What distinguishes writing a thesis in Indonesia from that in China is the maximum limit for plagiarism, in China the plagiarism is stricter," he said.
Likewise, Cicik Arista, who delivered material on writing children's health articles, explained that the scope of children's health (analysis of language errors) was in oral and written. Oral covers the interlocutor, situations and conditions, and goals, while writing covers phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse.
On that occasion, he also conveyed several tips for writing articles, including strengthening intentions, creating an outline for writing, multiplying reading from various related sources, learning to rewrite not copy paste, ignore grammar first, make sure the abstract is short but concise, find readers, and evaluate and re-check.
Meanwhile, Muhammad Farhan explained material about essays and sentences in Mandarin. He also shared strategies for making essays in Chinese, namely by choosing the right words, paying attention to the structure in Chinese, writing directly in Mandarin without writing in Indonesian first. "Because it will slow down the work," he said. (aida)
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