Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�Good news comes from Surabaya State University (UNESA) for fighters to enter state universities through the national selection route merit-based or SNBP. The reason is, the 'Home of Champions' campus has opened 12 new study programs that can be chosen for the 2024 SNBP route, registration for which has been open since Wednesday, February 14.
Deputy Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., in the UNESA Campus Virtual Expo (UCVE) said that a number of new study programs continue to be opened to answer the needs and challenges of development in society.
Apart from that, it is also an effort to explore and accommodate various potentials as well as providing opportunities for personal and career development for the best sons and daughters of the region.
The professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) continued, on this basis, UNESA opened a number of new study programs that SNBP participants could choose from. 2024.
The study programs in question are at Campus 1 Ketintang, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, and Campus 5 Magetan as follows:
Prodi at Campus 1 and Campus 2 Surabaya
- S-1 Medicine
- S-1 Massage
- S -1 Political Science
Prodi at Campus 5 Magetan
Prof Madlazim added that these study programs have career opportunities and competencies needed in the field. �This study program has good prospects. "Because we don't just open any study program, we all need to study the needs in society, competency needs, and adapt to the resources and facilities available at UNESA," he said. []
Reporter: Farhan Bachtiar
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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