Sunday November 17 2013 Unesa students majoring in Education outside the School held a seminar entitled "Writing is The Key to be a Success Life. Previously a series of PLS Exhibition events had been held at the Royal Plaza on the Craft Center floor including a kindergarten coloring contest on Friday November 15 2013 Talk Show Education Home Schooling as an alternative future education which was also held on 15 November 2013. In addition to a national seminar focusing on Pioneer Education Entertainment Exhibition Competition Complete and Biggest PLS also held the largest non-formal education exhibition in East Java. < / p>
The seminar which was attended by approximately 150 participants also invited Wijaya Kusuma National ITC practitioner and Rukin Firda as presenters of the seminar. Performances from PAUD mentors guided by PAUD Mentari Post educated by PLS Unesa students opened the event adorable. Ernawati as the committee hopes that this event can be useful for participants especially PLS students. I hope this event can be useful and foster student creativity he said when giving a speech. (Toni and Ayu / .syt)
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