Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to strengthen synergies with the business-industrial world (DUDI). In addition, it also establishes partnerships with schools. On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, UNESA received a visit from Loyola College High School, Semarang, Central Java on the 8th Floor of the Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
On that occasion, the school said that the interest of students to study in higher education was increasing, including students in their schools. Most of them are students who are actively organized and active in sports clubs.
“On average, our students who want to go to college achieve achievements in their clubs and organizations. In addition, there are also those who are interested in technological innovation. There are also many students with special needs whose achievements are not inferior to others," said Antonius Novianto, S.Pd., M.Sc., Counseling Guidance Teacher at Loyola College High School.
That made the school think hard. Where is the student's interest directed? To which campus do you think the potential of the students can develop well? Of the many campuses, UNESA has a complete package and is one of the right campuses for them. The campus of the champions has excellent fields; education, sports, language-arts and disability.
For this reason, one of the goals of the school visit was to obtain clear information about the majors or study programs at UNESA, future prospects and pathways to receive them. Then also discuss the cooperation plan.

“Our students often excel in technology and sports. They still lack information related to PTN. The selection process as well as the procedure for applying to universities has problems with the latest policy from the center to choose one campus in the area of origin and one campus outside the domicile," said Edi Asmanto, S.Pd., Deputy Principal for Data and Information at Loyola College Senior High School. .
"Students want to broaden their views and at the same time have the experience of studying outside their domicile as an academic provision for themselves and their city of origin," he said again.
Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., explained that UNESA accommodates student interest in continuing their education in higher education. Therefore, this year, we have increased the quota for new student admissions for the SNMPTN, SBMPTN and SPMB pathways. In the SPMB path, UNESA provides an achievement path that can be used by students who excel. [UNESA PR]
Author: Saputra
Editor: @zam*
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